Friday, April 11, 2008

6.6.’06-The Date of the Beast

Or just another day?
There are those who await the End of Days
With breathless anticipation

Why do they bother living?

Do they live out their lives like a
Countdown to Apocalypse?

“By my calculations it’ll be a month to go
Can’t wait!”

Bomb Iran, bomb Syria

Bomb anywhere
It doesn’t matter

But if it doesn’t matter

Why get up in the morning?

Why the insistence that Genesis is literal

And that your ancestors dined on Brontosaurs?

Why do you hate birth control so much?

Hasn’t it occurred to you ****’s to stop breeding?

Who cares?
Do some drugs, contract HIV
You’ll be dead in a month, or so you’d have us believe

Ignorance breeding ignorance
The masses dulled by the “debate” over gay priests

(is it obligatory to fuk the Virgin Mary?)

The Liar and the Bush went to war
With a reason a day for what they want
Others to fight for
It’s a war a month
The conflict version of iTunes


Feeling better?
Feeling worse?
Feeling nothing much at all
Feeling everything at once
A lifetime in a moment
Pain and joy
Just never remember the joy
Looking forward only to pain
Indifferent at best about the future
Try to be positive


Summer’s coming, they say

Can’t wait (!)

Soon to be winter

Don’t be depressing

Too much excitement

Too much expectation

Just want to be patient
Not a patient

Just want others to be patient with me
Not a victim



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