Monday, February 06, 2017

Just A Question.....

...just asking, but I can think of two very highly anticipated geek-related films which were released in the last year or so, both of which featured a great deal of flashbacks as part of their narratives...

So, why is it OK for Star Wars: Episode 7 "The Force Awakens" to contain flashbacks and not Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice? Both made use of flashbacks, dreams and visions in their narratives. In the case of Star Wars... these referred to events in previous instalments and Batman v. etc.  contained similar with reference to characters and scenarios only seen in DC comics.

In other words, both really ought to be bit confusing for newbies and familiar to fans, somewhat anyway.

But (the) Batman film was considered by "experts" be too full of "dream sequences" that "made no sense". Except, I'm pretty sure I could understand them, while the visions in The Force Awakens were very "blink and you'll miss it" and only really understandable on repeat home viewing. So, are film reviewers stupid or do they just assume that EVERYONE has seen ALL the previous Star Wars instalments a hundred times and know every single obscure reference, while not understanding the concept of a dystopian future, the result of unconditional (hero) worship of The Man of Steel (not Joseph Stalin, the other one)?

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