The Socialist Worker's Party will say anything to get you to join their cause. There is no lie too big for them!
They constantly pay lip service to worker's councils in their literature, when they really want the state to run all industry.
They say they support independent working class action, yet they constantly side with the police when the working classes take independent action!
They claim to be a revolutionary party, but they would allow the capitalist state apparatus to remain.
They claim to be atheistic, but then jump into bed with Islamic activists at the earliest oppurtunity!
The Socialist Worker's Party will say anything to get you to join their cause. There is no lie too big for them!
They constantly pay lip service to worker's councils in their literature, when they really want the state to run all industry.
They say they support independent working class action, yet they constantly side with the police when the working classes take independent action!
They claim to be a revolutionary party, but they would allow the capitalist state apparatus to remain.
They claim to be atheistic, but then jump into bed with Islamic activists at the earliest oppurtunity!
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