Monday, November 27, 2006

Practical Anarchy as Opposed to Statism or Libertarian Communism as such
Anarchism, although obviously grounded in ideology, personally is more about doing what is practical as opposed to doing things for ideological reasons. The economy doesn't directly come into it, for "policies" such as organic food cooperatives, producer-consumer-anti-market drug co-operative/syndicates, medical/psychyatric patient's, housing and transport collectives.
People often use the word "communism", or a "commuist society". The problem is: how do you define the community or society. Without voluntary communitees, you have forced collectivisation. Without opt-in societies, you have Statist dictatorships. Ideally, the criteria for a product or service would be the willing ness of individuals to produce a certain product or service, with direct supply being free at the point of use. With a separation of producers and consumers outside a syndicalist or collectivist scenario, you would have a new form of class domination and antagonism between producers and consumers. Municipalism could be a half way solution for libertarian communism, but this brings democracy into conflict with freedom and allows some unfortunate scope for those more intellectually inclined, or simply those with more time on their hands, to dominate political affairs.


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