Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam, but not Negroponte, Albright, Clinton, Bush Snr and jnr,

Rumsfeld, Mugabe etc

-Indymedia article basically sums up the whos, whys and wherefores.

May his soul not rest in peace, but saying that I am saddened

that he was executed, for at least two reasons directly and

many others indirectly due to the rank hypocrises of our

"peace loving" leaders.

1.The state has no more moral right than any individual,

to kill anyone for any reason.

2.Saddam commited worse crimes and should

have gone to trial for those as well. 660 Palestinians

were killed this year, Israel would say that was self-defence.

Also, how many people can you justify killing in self-defence?

Saddam would (probably) argue that the 100-odd

executions were a form of self-defence (the argument

is used in a similar fashion to defend the death penalty

as a deterrence). Similarly, what if the troops occupying

Iraq and Afganistan were "forced" to kill, say, 400K insurgents?

I think Jack Straw et al are hypocrites for gloating over

Saddam's execution. They have as much moral authority

as I would if, for example, I dug up Ronald "Railgun"

Reagan's corpse and removed his rotting heart from

his body!Or, for example, stealing the body for ransom

of a relative of a ginea pig farm.

Of course, maybe Jack Straw's being brutally honest.

Maybe he's right about the veil, for example?

But what would people think if one day he said

"I've got a new joke: What does 50 Cent

listen to music on? His PIMP3 player."

Being brutally honest again, all those men who go to

see films with Keira Knightley (for example) in them

"must" be peadophiles as she's got the body

of someone who's still of the age where,

to put it politely

naked from the waist up and from behind, you can't

specify their gender!

These opinions really should be kept for private

discussion. Politicians, and state priests in general

have a habit of dictating morality. People listen to

them because they are in a position of authority.