Friday, January 26, 2007

Jade Goody or Baddie, well honestly I don't care!

Hate to say it, but I am sick of the "politically correct liberal intelligensia" going on and on about how "racist" her, and by association Channel 4 is.

She is an ignorant bloody pig, but not a racist! Associating her with vile racism both patronises and demeans genuine victims of racism. Nuff said!

Prisons prisons I hate prisons. I really really do.

No way ever could the government decide who is dangerous and who needs to be punished, which are often two different debates.
The whole debate about crime and punishment doesn't take into consideration the effects of putting a large proportion of the population behind bars, which has a similar effect on some communities as permament wartime conscription.

Who is to say who deserves what? If everybody got what they deserved, there's be an awful lot of basically maimed people in the world. What people do deserve is to be free of poverty and ignorance, and this goes for everyone.