Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Will mebbe comment more on this, but suffice to say
Broon's plans to raise the skool leaving age to 18
are basically bollocks. By withdrawing financial incentives
(like allowing under 18s to work, paid or voluntary)
these proposals will force tens of thousands of young
people into abject poverty. Instead of creating a vibrant,
trained workforce, homelessness will increase and the
most likely result will be the creation of 25-50K strong
army of drug dealers.

This will happen.

School, like prison, is frankly bollocks. We need less of both
and more adult education opportunites: some young people
are not ready or mature enough for education before they are 18,
Broon's policy will be a kind of "yev ad yer chance now get a
job or go to jail"

Like Blair before him, Broon is declaring Class War on the
young and working class.


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