Oil Unions "political" apparently-Saddam-era laws still in use to oppress workers.
Dear IUSS Supporters,At our last meeting we learned from our Iraqi comrades that the oil union the IFOU has been banned by the Iraqi oil minister (heavily pressurised by the USA) as it is "political". We know this is becuase the oil unions are a threat to the hated oil law which the US is trying to get railroaded through the Iraqi parliament, and which would cream off oil profits to private oil companies outside of Iraq.This needs to be publiced and opposed as widely as possible. In Scotland please get your MSPs to support Bill Wilsons members motions below, in particular SM3-194 and SM3-195 which are due to be heard in the next parliament. In England Dave Anderson MP has proposed and Early Day motion on the oil law. One way to conact your MSP, MP or MEP is via the website www.writetothem.com so please do this. IUSS drafted a motion (attached) which you can get passed through your union, trades council, community group etc.Please will you get this matter discussed at your anti war or pro union group. Please get back to me about your discussions especially if you would support a demonstration against the banning of the IFOU. Comradley,Pauline BradleyConvenor IUSShttp://iraqunionsolidarityscotland.blogspot.com ----------------------------------------------------------PRESS RELEASEUS Unionists Protest Iraq Union Ban Press Associates Sunday 19 August 2007 Washington - Showing solidarity with unionists in Iraq, several dozen U.S. unionists marched on August 16 outside the Iraqi Embassy in Washington, protesting the Iraqi Oil Minister's ban on unions for oil workers. The protesters, including Machinists, the Office and Professional Employees, the Teachers and the Air Line Pilots, demanded Iraq recognize and bargain with its oil workers' unions - who, like the AFL-CIO, oppose the Iraq War. They presented a letter from AFL-CIO President John Sweeney to embassy officials, with the demands, addressed to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki. The oil minister claimed the oil unions are illegal because they are not recognized as a legitimate union of government workers, as required by the Saddam Hussein-era Iraqi labor law. Neither the U.S. Coalition Provisional Authority, when it ran Iraq for a year, nor the present shaky faction-ridden Iraqi government bothered to change that highly restrictive law, which covers 70 percent of Iraqi workers. The Iraqi government has also denied the oil workers their internationally recognized rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining, protesters said. But the Iraqi government is considering a U.S.-drafted oil law to yield control Iraq oilfields to multi-national corporations. That law was another target of the D.C. protest, organized by both the AFL-CIO Solidarity Center and U.S. Labor Against The War. "The reality of the obstacles that oil workers face in Iraq is a major issue for us, just as the issue of ending the war is," said AFL-CIO International Affairs Director Barbara Shailor, the protest co-leader. Added Denice Lombard of USLAW: "It's no coincidence the Iraqi oil union has been fighting to keep the oil in Iraqi hands," while the law U.S. congressional "benchmarks" would force on Iraq would put the oil in corporate hands "for many years." A new Iraqi labor law should be our benchmark, she added. ----------------------------------------------------------Dear IUSS,S3M-224 Dr Bill Wilson (West of Scotland) (SNP) : Blair, Middle East Envoy— That the Parliament notes reports of a discussion between outgoing UK Prime Minister Blair, US President Bush and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice about the former becoming a Middle East envoy; believes that the policies supported by the three thus far have, by and large, only promoted peace in that troubled region in the sense of the Orwellian slogan “War is Peace”, and accordingly wishes Mr Blair well in a role that would require him to undo the damage done by the UK’s and USA’s invasion of Iraq and their markedly selective support of democracy, human rights and United Nations resolutions in the Middle East. Supported by: Christine Grahame, Bashir Ahmad, Dr Alasdair Allan, Michael Matheson, Jamie Hepburn Lodged on 21 June 2007; current S3M-195 Dr Bill Wilson (West of Scotland) (SNP) : Iraq: Privatisation of Oil— That the Parliament notes with concern proposals to pass laws allowing the privatisation of Iraq’s oil industry; notes that both the Blair and Bush administrations stated that their declared major purpose for invading Iraq was to remove weapons of mass destruction and that the invasion was not motivated by that country’s oil reserves; notes that both administrations have stated their support for the introduction of democracy in Iraq, and accordingly is confident that the UK and US administrations will demonstrate their good intentions by encouraging the Iraq Government not to privatise that country’s oil but to maintain it as a source of income to help Iraq’s reconstruction and recovery. Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Stuart McMillan, Sandra White, Bashir Ahmad Lodged on 18 June 2007; current ---------------------------------S3M-194 Dr Bill Wilson (West of Scotland) (SNP) : Iraq: Right to Strike— That the Parliament notes with grave concern the death threats against members of the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions who were recently protesting against the proposed oil law which would effectively cede control of Iraq’s oilfields to multinational companies; further notes that the right to strike is protected by the core conventions of the International Labour Organisation, to which the Iraq Government is a signatory, and accordingly expresses its support for calls for the threat of violence against the oil workers to be withdrawn and for their legitimate right to strike to be recognised should they choose to exercise it. Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Sandra White Lodged on 18 June 2007; current It would be great if you could get people to write to their MSPs urging them to support these motions (at least the last two), especially in the light of the IFOU being banned!Best regardsEricDr R. Eric Swanepoel, Office Manager/Researcher pp Dr Bill Wilson MSP
Dear IUSS Supporters,At our last meeting we learned from our Iraqi comrades that the oil union the IFOU has been banned by the Iraqi oil minister (heavily pressurised by the USA) as it is "political". We know this is becuase the oil unions are a threat to the hated oil law which the US is trying to get railroaded through the Iraqi parliament, and which would cream off oil profits to private oil companies outside of Iraq.This needs to be publiced and opposed as widely as possible. In Scotland please get your MSPs to support Bill Wilsons members motions below, in particular SM3-194 and SM3-195 which are due to be heard in the next parliament. In England Dave Anderson MP has proposed and Early Day motion on the oil law. One way to conact your MSP, MP or MEP is via the website www.writetothem.com so please do this. IUSS drafted a motion (attached) which you can get passed through your union, trades council, community group etc.Please will you get this matter discussed at your anti war or pro union group. Please get back to me about your discussions especially if you would support a demonstration against the banning of the IFOU. Comradley,Pauline BradleyConvenor IUSShttp://iraqunionsolidarityscotland.blogspot.com ----------------------------------------------------------PRESS RELEASEUS Unionists Protest Iraq Union Ban Press Associates Sunday 19 August 2007 Washington - Showing solidarity with unionists in Iraq, several dozen U.S. unionists marched on August 16 outside the Iraqi Embassy in Washington, protesting the Iraqi Oil Minister's ban on unions for oil workers. The protesters, including Machinists, the Office and Professional Employees, the Teachers and the Air Line Pilots, demanded Iraq recognize and bargain with its oil workers' unions - who, like the AFL-CIO, oppose the Iraq War. They presented a letter from AFL-CIO President John Sweeney to embassy officials, with the demands, addressed to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki. The oil minister claimed the oil unions are illegal because they are not recognized as a legitimate union of government workers, as required by the Saddam Hussein-era Iraqi labor law. Neither the U.S. Coalition Provisional Authority, when it ran Iraq for a year, nor the present shaky faction-ridden Iraqi government bothered to change that highly restrictive law, which covers 70 percent of Iraqi workers. The Iraqi government has also denied the oil workers their internationally recognized rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining, protesters said. But the Iraqi government is considering a U.S.-drafted oil law to yield control Iraq oilfields to multi-national corporations. That law was another target of the D.C. protest, organized by both the AFL-CIO Solidarity Center and U.S. Labor Against The War. "The reality of the obstacles that oil workers face in Iraq is a major issue for us, just as the issue of ending the war is," said AFL-CIO International Affairs Director Barbara Shailor, the protest co-leader. Added Denice Lombard of USLAW: "It's no coincidence the Iraqi oil union has been fighting to keep the oil in Iraqi hands," while the law U.S. congressional "benchmarks" would force on Iraq would put the oil in corporate hands "for many years." A new Iraqi labor law should be our benchmark, she added. ----------------------------------------------------------Dear IUSS,S3M-224 Dr Bill Wilson (West of Scotland) (SNP) : Blair, Middle East Envoy— That the Parliament notes reports of a discussion between outgoing UK Prime Minister Blair, US President Bush and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice about the former becoming a Middle East envoy; believes that the policies supported by the three thus far have, by and large, only promoted peace in that troubled region in the sense of the Orwellian slogan “War is Peace”, and accordingly wishes Mr Blair well in a role that would require him to undo the damage done by the UK’s and USA’s invasion of Iraq and their markedly selective support of democracy, human rights and United Nations resolutions in the Middle East. Supported by: Christine Grahame, Bashir Ahmad, Dr Alasdair Allan, Michael Matheson, Jamie Hepburn Lodged on 21 June 2007; current S3M-195 Dr Bill Wilson (West of Scotland) (SNP) : Iraq: Privatisation of Oil— That the Parliament notes with concern proposals to pass laws allowing the privatisation of Iraq’s oil industry; notes that both the Blair and Bush administrations stated that their declared major purpose for invading Iraq was to remove weapons of mass destruction and that the invasion was not motivated by that country’s oil reserves; notes that both administrations have stated their support for the introduction of democracy in Iraq, and accordingly is confident that the UK and US administrations will demonstrate their good intentions by encouraging the Iraq Government not to privatise that country’s oil but to maintain it as a source of income to help Iraq’s reconstruction and recovery. Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Stuart McMillan, Sandra White, Bashir Ahmad Lodged on 18 June 2007; current ---------------------------------S3M-194 Dr Bill Wilson (West of Scotland) (SNP) : Iraq: Right to Strike— That the Parliament notes with grave concern the death threats against members of the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions who were recently protesting against the proposed oil law which would effectively cede control of Iraq’s oilfields to multinational companies; further notes that the right to strike is protected by the core conventions of the International Labour Organisation, to which the Iraq Government is a signatory, and accordingly expresses its support for calls for the threat of violence against the oil workers to be withdrawn and for their legitimate right to strike to be recognised should they choose to exercise it. Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Sandra White Lodged on 18 June 2007; current It would be great if you could get people to write to their MSPs urging them to support these motions (at least the last two), especially in the light of the IFOU being banned!Best regardsEricDr R. Eric Swanepoel, Office Manager/Researcher pp Dr Bill Wilson MSP
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