"We need to build a combative pro-working class anarchist movement in London and across the UK...and if we don't we should stop calling ourselves anarchist and fuck off to LibCom." VERY TRUE!
Yes, of course its all the fault of the people who hate the oil industry, just like wage rises make the poor poorer because of inflation. Bollocks!
The danger of Nuclear War is always there so long as the government initiating nuclear combat can guarantee both its own survival and the destruction of the opposing sides economic infrastructure, especially so now that no potential enemy of the US can even reach US soil or have enough nukes to obliterate the US economy if they could. Lives do not matter in this game.
RE: GAZA.I have been more or less up to date with the issue myself, but it, and more importantly the apathy in the mainstream press-if a European etc country was going through this there wouldn't be a boycott-the-offending-nation campaign, there'd be a 'nuke the fuckers' campaign-has been so completely overwhelming that I've mostly kept silent apart from e-mailing my MP and MEPs and posting on my profile. The Jews should have a homeland, but a Jewish State is, by definition, racist. Frankly this shit about "its utopian to think that the nation state will go away soon" misses the point-the choice is between what may be called utopianism and death. The modern nation state, as defined by its chief defender Max Weber, is the attempt at a monopoly of terroristic violence. It is not utopian to demand an end to war, violence and suffering;it is necessary for the very survival of our species!
"We need to build a combative pro-working class anarchist movement in London and across the UK...and if we don't we should stop calling ourselves anarchist and fuck off to LibCom." VERY TRUE!
Yes, of course its all the fault of the people who hate the oil industry, just like wage rises make the poor poorer because of inflation. Bollocks!
The danger of Nuclear War is always there so long as the government initiating nuclear combat can guarantee both its own survival and the destruction of the opposing sides economic infrastructure, especially so now that no potential enemy of the US can even reach US soil or have enough nukes to obliterate the US economy if they could. Lives do not matter in this game.
RE: GAZA.I have been more or less up to date with the issue myself, but it, and more importantly the apathy in the mainstream press-if a European etc country was going through this there wouldn't be a boycott-the-offending-nation campaign, there'd be a 'nuke the fuckers' campaign-has been so completely overwhelming that I've mostly kept silent apart from e-mailing my MP and MEPs and posting on my profile. The Jews should have a homeland, but a Jewish State is, by definition, racist. Frankly this shit about "its utopian to think that the nation state will go away soon" misses the point-the choice is between what may be called utopianism and death. The modern nation state, as defined by its chief defender Max Weber, is the attempt at a monopoly of terroristic violence. It is not utopian to demand an end to war, violence and suffering;it is necessary for the very survival of our species!
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