Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Criticisms of anarchies:

OK, lets get an-prim out of the way first-the critique of "mass society"
is only really applicable to Individualist Anarchism
(and 'American Individualism', Libertarianism and 'anarcho-capitalism')
as associations of communes/ workplaces are associations of
societies,which roughly boils down to societies where everyone knows each
other and can judge social policy accordingly. There is a general tendency
overall with these ideologies in that, although they differ and some can be
accused of perpetuating a scarcity mentality (Deep Ecologism) more than
others, the methodology is ultimately the same is to achieve these kinds of
societies requires a kind of global non-cooperation.

Against Mass Society by Chris Wilson

Anarcho-communism without individual autonomy is, well,
(or, 'we'd have achieved communism by now if it weren't for those
damn Communists').

One should be the judge of one's labour, no-one else. This is
perfectly compatible with Negative Freedom (and if you think
about it, the only way Negative Freedom can occur in a Society)

Anarchist communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Workerism/ Autonomism should not be confused for Anarchism
as it basically boils down to 'be a Good Communist and Get a Job
so you can help bring down Capitalism',
which then starts to sound like Lifestylism (which boils down
to bringing down the system by being dependent on the system,
ergo same critique)

Anarcho-capitalists are even more inconsistent then An-Prims.

They have the same critique of State Capitalism as Anarchists do,
but private prisons and private police forces are even worse
than state prisons and state police forces!

There have been some support for Mutualism and
Worker's Co-operatives, but if this is all genuine why suffix capitalism?
You're anti-capitalists right?

Syndicalism/Council Communism-obviously these and more
are more Democratic than State Capitalism, but, by this definition, what
does it mean to have only a very small minority of the population actually in
favour of Democracy?


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