Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Babylon 5 revisited part two

Ranks and structure of EarthForce

With regards to the lower ranks of Lieutenant (junior grade) and
Ensign, as officers aboard Babylon 5 with those ranks are not
granted the same security status as regular commissioned officers
and only perform routine technical duties if not pilots I am
considering officers with these ranks to be among the
non-commissioned grades, with an officer recieving a commission
on promotion to Lieutenant. Presumably an officer can then transfer
from the Navy to EarthForce Marines or Security or
one of the intelligence or research divisions.
This promotion may be based on an Officer undergoing further training
while this is certainly likely for the non-commissioned grades in

Presumably, officer graduates enter the Navy at rank Ensign and
again presumably undergo some probationary period or further
training (mmm, shades of Star Trek...) before being considered
for promotion. What is fairly certain is that a candidate must
either undergo basic training or have a degree in a particular
field relevant to EarthForce i.e. Franklin (Stephen) trained
to be a doctor while Sheridan underwent infrantry training.

It is uncertain how the 'Aerodrome' training fits into all this,
but command officers in the Navy, and officers in other divisions
who have had fight training, all wear flight wings on their right
sleeve. It may be that changing division is the only way for
some officers to recieve a promotion beyond, say, Major, bar
flight training,

Chain-of-command: although EarthForce consists of seven corps,
enlisted personnel refer to any superior, regardless of corps,
as 'Sir' (e.g. Garibaldi's 2nd and Bester in series 1),
although this could simply be a formality, while, again,
commissioned and non-commissioned officers are directly
subordinate to any commissioned-level officer at least
of the three main corps: EFNavy, EFMarines and EFSecurity.

Being of such a large size, the organisational divisions of the
Infantry at least are organised on larger sections than in
those of modern armies, while Captains are ranked highly enough
to command fleets of forty warships.

I have given a reasonable estimation of the structure of the
Infantry and, although the Officer/Crew ratio in the Navy and
Security Divisions is probably higher, this can be considered
roughly accurate for those divisions also.

If the basic division is a Division of 25 thousand troops,
working upwards and multiplying by six (significant to
the ancient Babylonians) gives a good indication of
organisation above Division-level, while dividing
by five (i.e. Babylon 5) gives a good approximation
of modern infantry organisation.
Corps=5.4 to 25 million personnel
(if EFMarines=1000 Divisions of 25,000 each)

Theater or Corps=5.4 million personnel

Army/Fleet/Corps=900 thousand personnel

Regiment or Flotilla=150 thousand personnel

Division=25 thousand personnel

Brigade=Five thousand personnel

Battallion=One thousand personnel

Company=app.201 to 999 personnel

Unit=app.41 to 200 personnel

Squadron=app.9 to 40 personnel

Section=app.2 to 8 personnel

Total personnel commanded by officer
based on organisational levels covering
multiple Corps and consistent with in-series
Member Joint Chiefs=25 million

General=5.4 million

Lieutenant General=900 thousand

Captain to Major General=150 thousand

Major to Commander=Five thousand

Lieutenant=(below) One thousand

Senior NCO=200
