Racist bastards make me sick, EDL see three black
youths on a bus (and yes I may be missing something
but that is because youtube doesn't have a time-
travel function to view backwards in time thingy).
This cesspit of a cuntry really makes me sick,
Tory's get in and all they talk about is state
murder, a few riots (yes four people have been
killed and this is tragic) and all the armchair
Pinochets talk about using rubber bullets against
children, you are actually scared of the weak
and powerless? You are nothing but a fucking
pussy=fascist, no better than the EDL cowardly
Someone DIED, someone was murdered by the police.
Whatever happened to ACCOUNTABILITY?
Get rid of the police
RIP Mark Duggan
Whatever you may have done in this life,
I may be sure that you are in Heaven now
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