Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Trial of Saddam Hussein "So-damn insane"?

Philipino commies "defend" Saddam


Non-Saddam related, but part of the "War on Terror", i.e government terror of British population: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/11/355477.html

Have to say, do not agree with the whole legalised revenge thing,its still revenge. Where do you stop? "An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind."

If Saddam should be hanged for something governments do all the time http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/10/354689.html then people like Blair, Bush and Rumsfeld (and Clinton and Albright) should be vivisected!

Ban animal testing, there's plenty of war criminals (and politicians) out there!

Regards national sovereignty and will, those were violated when we invaded, ffs!

The only real expression of national will would have been a revolution to overthrow Saddam.
Of course, a revolution is what lead to Saddam being in power in the first place (and the west saving is arse a few times!)

Meaning to put something out on Anarchist Justice at a later date.


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