Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hey there everybody!
Quite scary stuff last night about Israel's nuclear programme, especially as it's only there to "deter" a conventional attack that would kill millions of Isreali civilians. Israel has 100 missiles, but probably well over 200 Hiroshima-size bombs (kilotons). This is not to deter or destroy a chemical/nuclear or biological weapons program in an Arab neighbour or Iran as this could quite easily be achieved using conventional-warheaded missiles and airstrikes (as on Iraq in the early '80s). The purpose of Isreal's nuclear arsenal is two-fold.

In the (unlikely) event of Isreal being invaded by all its neighbours, at once and by land, it would launch its nuclear-armed missiles at civilian targets in each country while detonating over 100 bombs buried along the Israeli border, wiping out any invading army and making a repeated invasion attempt impossible. Of course, 1000's of Israeli civilians living near the border would also be killed and 1000's more civilians would be killed both inside and outside Israel by nuclear fallout. Basically, this would be ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, as Israel would sacrifice some of its own population in order to save its cities while destroying those of the Arab world.

Oh, btw, anyone reading this who has a blog of their own, could you put that under as a reply please!