Monday, February 04, 2008

23 Theses on the Unconditional Basic Income
Author: Theophil Wonneberger

11. Financing from a resource tax is another sensible possibility
with many advantages.

This would be the most elegant way of simultaneously establishing
social justice and protecting the atmosphere.

Environmental pollution and resource consumption decline
when they are taxed. If the tax revenues were distributed evenly to
everyone, excessiveconsumers would be automatically penalized
and environmentally-conscious behaviorrewarded. Such an eco-tax
would be accepted by the people.

21. That the basic income should be paid out without return favor is
often criticized.

Whoever is against automatic income should take offense at the
capital incomes that are also without return favor. While the
unconditional basic income is democratically resolved,
distributed evenly to everyone and covers existential needs, capital
incomesare undemocratic, distributed extremely unequally and grow
ever more quickly.

23. Introducing an unconditional basic income certainly does not
mean the end of allexploitation. However it can be the foundation
on which people can free themselvesfrom coercions and create
possibilities for the further development of the whole


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