Friday, July 04, 2008

Just how low can the BNP go?

(and considering what they regard as terrorism/extremism,
anyone of us could be next)


on the 6th of this month Nick Griffin and the BNP will
use the tragic result of a local land dispute to further
their national campaign of hate against the ethnic and
religious minorities of this country, the vast majority
of whom are peaceful and law-abiding.

There is no evidence that Habib Khan was involved
in any way with violence and racist extremism and it
is deeply illegitimate of the BNP to assume that the
manslaughter of Ashley Barker was in any way
politically or racially motivated.

We only hope that Nick Griffin and his cronies
will not receive any publicity from the deeply
inappropriate campaign against British Asians
during the day of Ashley Barker’s funeral and
that they can be consigned, with their hatred, to
the dustbin of British politics!