Monday, February 22, 2010

Anarchy, crime and punishment and The Culture

Arguably, any crime in a post-scarcity or truly anarchic society would be one of passion and arguably thus a form of temporary insanity to be treated thusly.

Otherwise, or under the same logic, in the Culture I guess if someone really pissed a lot of people off (by, for example murdering someone) then a group of Minds or well-meaning sentients etc could arrange to have that person relocated but not banished from society per se.

Best short anarchist answer on the issue, although I would say that with Contact the Culture does have a government/state of sorts dealing with 'foreign' affairs only (and interfering with Culture Citizens when considered necessary to continue smooth running of said 'foreign' affairs), perhaps the mirror image or polar opposite of a so-called watchman or minimal state with some prisons and police but little else.


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