Wednesday, July 18, 2007

OK, this is (vaguely) funny: Who's e-mail adddress is this: ?
Boba Fett's!

This isn't:
...when you think a) what they were actually protesting about, and, b) the Nazis caricatured Jews in similar ways (hooked noses, greedy, disease ridden Bolshevics)

The cartoons are as much part of legitimate religous criticism as Nazi propaganda or "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are.

BTW, how can criticism of the Isreali government be considered racist when the Danish cartoonists aren't? Double standards, or maybe "anti-anti Semitism" and anti-Semitism are the same thing: both see Jews as a "white tribe", which one side sees as an acceptable minority (because they see it as white) and the other as a foreign infiltration (because they see it as white). Both are just as racist, especially considering all the black and arab Jews in the world!