After my recent brush with 'The Law' I thought I'd better post this
(originally from my facebook)
A pig is not a human being, of course all (vaguely) sentient beings deserve some rights and the average copper certainly falls into the "barely sentient" category!
Even the epithet "pig" is insulting, however: I'd sooner trust a four-legged mammal with a dangerous weapon than a the common two-legged uniformed variety!
Is this attacking specific groups? Spanish pigs OK British pigs not?NO! They are all the same they just happen to wear similar uniforms! Police brutality, police shootings,police cover-ups, frame-ups and collaborations
are universal and that's not even mentioning the endemic racism: less than 1% of British coppers are actually Black, the smear campaigns against 'Sir' Ian Blair's Asian deputy, and then there's the unquestioning lackey nature of the media: do people really believe in that liquid bomb plot when such a device would be too unstable to use effectively. I suppose a binary-or-trinary device could be possible,but there was no mention of this nor was there any evidence an ACTUAL bomb had been produced, only a few childish 'suicide' videos. Circumstantial evidence, used by the media and police to increase our childish dependency on state violence.
This is because the police are the real terrorists, they cannot admit the impossibility of a state monopoly on violence so they over-react completely when this is challenged, with tragic consequences.
But violence can successfully be challenged by non-violent Ghandian means, non-violent direct action and conflict avoidance training can be taught in schools, colleges and community centres. Most crime is drug-related, money that is wasted on the police (akin to locking the door after the horse has bolted) could be spent on decent drug-and-mental health treatment for addicts, not least, and this is cheaper than imprisoning troubled individuals in areas where drugs and violence are rife in prisons or ghettos, by providing heroin and other hard drugs freely, but rationed, to addicts in safe houses or clinics.
Guns: Democratic control of the means of production and distribution is the only way to make selling, producing, distributing and otherwise supplying deadly weapons to people, who may not always be in a rational position to responsibly use them, unprofitable.
With the above two, no guns and no reason to use them as the drug dealers would be put out of business..the real reason that this doesn't happen is that the state has absolutely no interest in creating a just and peaceful society.
Another thing: why can't some drugs be legal: asprin kills more people than ecstacy, not to mention the casualties of alcohol, and if the government really wanted to save lives they'd ban people from driving!
(originally from my facebook)
A pig is not a human being, of course all (vaguely) sentient beings deserve some rights and the average copper certainly falls into the "barely sentient" category!
Even the epithet "pig" is insulting, however: I'd sooner trust a four-legged mammal with a dangerous weapon than a the common two-legged uniformed variety!
Is this attacking specific groups? Spanish pigs OK British pigs not?NO! They are all the same they just happen to wear similar uniforms! Police brutality, police shootings,police cover-ups, frame-ups and collaborations
are universal and that's not even mentioning the endemic racism: less than 1% of British coppers are actually Black, the smear campaigns against 'Sir' Ian Blair's Asian deputy, and then there's the unquestioning lackey nature of the media: do people really believe in that liquid bomb plot when such a device would be too unstable to use effectively. I suppose a binary-or-trinary device could be possible,but there was no mention of this nor was there any evidence an ACTUAL bomb had been produced, only a few childish 'suicide' videos. Circumstantial evidence, used by the media and police to increase our childish dependency on state violence.
This is because the police are the real terrorists, they cannot admit the impossibility of a state monopoly on violence so they over-react completely when this is challenged, with tragic consequences.
But violence can successfully be challenged by non-violent Ghandian means, non-violent direct action and conflict avoidance training can be taught in schools, colleges and community centres. Most crime is drug-related, money that is wasted on the police (akin to locking the door after the horse has bolted) could be spent on decent drug-and-mental health treatment for addicts, not least, and this is cheaper than imprisoning troubled individuals in areas where drugs and violence are rife in prisons or ghettos, by providing heroin and other hard drugs freely, but rationed, to addicts in safe houses or clinics.
Guns: Democratic control of the means of production and distribution is the only way to make selling, producing, distributing and otherwise supplying deadly weapons to people, who may not always be in a rational position to responsibly use them, unprofitable.
With the above two, no guns and no reason to use them as the drug dealers would be put out of business..the real reason that this doesn't happen is that the state has absolutely no interest in creating a just and peaceful society.
Another thing: why can't some drugs be legal: asprin kills more people than ecstacy, not to mention the casualties of alcohol, and if the government really wanted to save lives they'd ban people from driving!
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