Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Watch this, is very funny


(the following to the tune of "California Uber Alles by Dead Kennedys):
I am Chancellor Gordon Broon
My army smiles and never froons
Soon will be Prime-In-ist-aagh
Blair (but not Corporate) Power will sink away
I will be leader one day
I will come and order you
Another one of Blair's fools
Another one of Blair's fools
Ingerland Inc Uber Alles
Ingerland Uber Alles!
Ingerland Inc Scootland Poond!

Monday, June 25, 2007

S**t, while gone without posting..never mind...Now morks:"...morks are selfish introverts maskerading as rugged individualists...No community is easier to govern than one that rejects the concept of community";Ted Brautigan-The Dark Tower, Stephen King