Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Gaza and Israel:

Funny to say but I hope some good old fashioned Anarchy comes out of
this crisis, purely because a pacifist government is unlikely to be
elected in Israel any time soon.

It was Israel who broke the treaty, Hamas offered to extend their side
of the ceasefire (which the IDF continued to violate) if a brake in the
blockade was allowed. This has not happened, and so Gaza remains the
world's largest open prison.

Israel has had plenty of opportunity to look to reason, when instead
it has only made the situation worse for everyone and it will continue
to get away with its actions until it does something REALLY shocking
(short of using chemical or nuclear weapons I cannot imagine what).

It has come to the point where there is no imaginable reason why the
Palestinians cannot have their own state, with control over their borders
and airspace, other than the response to Israeli provocations. The only solution,
it seems as there is no real reason why Israel is allowed to exist
as a political entity when Palestine is not, is Anarchy: a peaceful
transition to a stateless environment where mutual aid is valued
over conflict and collective suicide. Currently, politicians on both
sides base their careers on continued conflict, Israelis only elect
former Generals as Prime Ministers and current Israeli policy, backed
by the US and EU is for a puppet Abbas dictatorship in Palestine.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

As much as Channel 4 and more 4 should be vilified for the broadcast
last night (9.12.2008)proclaiming holocaust denier David Irving a
martyr for freedom of speech, I think part of the problem is a great
deal of sectarian "anti-prisoner" sentiment on the part of Amnesty
International, or at least a reluctance to interview any individual
involved in Animal or Prisoner Rights (just because someone had
committed a crime in the past does not mean that they are not
mistreated in the present).

Letter I sent to Channel 4:

Dear Sir/Madam,
With regards to last nights broadcast with the
interview with holocaust denier David Irving which I have to
complain about in the strongest terms.

After watching your programme I suspect there is some degree
of sectarianism on Amnesty International's part because there
are plenty of individuals languishing in British prisons

because of their beliefs who could have been interviewed ;
they could have even had the hacker Gary McKinnon on, who faces
extradition to the US and a 70 year sentence in a Federal prison
for illegally entering federal databases, with no need to be
terribly controversial. I stress, there was no need for more4
and channel 4 to court controversy by interviewing an admitted
Hitler fanatic, holocaust-denying racist.

Freedom of speech should not drown out freedom of debate and the
truth and issues surrounding the Holocaust has now been further
muddied by Mr Irving’s comments