Friday, November 18, 2016

Angry post

Regarding people's shock at Trump winning:
well this is a post-truth age after all.

Believe me I am extremely pissed and I have been for a long time. Ever had that faceslap moment when you are quietly reading a book in public and someone goes "I've read that" and they just mean they read a book once? Had that one twice.

I really doubt people who read SF and comics have this same vague grip on reality. Maybe I'm wrong, but saying "I feel like global warming is a myth" sounds to me like saying "My spider sense tells me scientists are conspiring to provide the world with free energy, the fucking bastards".
In the run up to the Iraq War 2, well any way according to a family member Saddam Hussein would have destroyed all the oil so the war isn't about oil. I guess I'm just too polite or shocked to say "well what do you know about chemistry? Do you realise how much energy that would release and btw would probably consume most of the world's oxygen or at least create a vast hole where Iraq used to be?"
Unless you take the assumption that Saddam Hussein is really Doctor Manhattan in disguise.

Talking about people who know more about science than thousands of pHd holders, I recently spent half an hour arguing with a street preacher in Hanley. Didn't mention dinosaurs or astronomy, but did mention Adam and Eve's incestuous offspring. Apparently it wasn't a sin then but it is now because we have fallen (apparently). Some expert on the Bible though: the guy had no idea how many sons and daughters Adam and Eve had (beyond Cain and Abel obviously). But they definitely did it and that was definitely six thousand years ago (!)

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Trump's Right

That's right, I said Donald Trump is right. Even if it seems America has just voted in the Unabomber.

Or at least about NAFTA, TTP (or TTIP), NATO, Russia and Syria. It's only a shame that it takes someone on the right to legitimately say these things without being denounced as a liberal-hippy-peacenik-conspiracy theorist. With regards to actually talking to Putin and Assad he says the same things Jeremy Corbyn would say. Yes, it's simplistic to say that "Syria is killing ISIS so we should talk to Syria" but it is right. We cannot effectively be fighting two regimes and Trump (and Bernie Sanders if he had been allowed to run) has tapped in to the American public's lack of patience with their government's foreign policy disasters.

The problem is the not-at-all liberal media. Because Trump is against a renewed conflict with Russia the warmongers who make the news cannot stand this. Instead he has to be described as a "friend to dictators". But this only exposes the double-sided racism of the media barons. Racism one because their biggest critique of Trump isn't his obvious racism against Mexicans, blacks and Muslims, it is because he doesn't follow racism number two which allows the United States the divine right to bomb all the brown people it can and call it promoting peace and democracy.

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