Sunday, March 18, 2012

If I had a bunker would I escape from all your delusions
If I had a bunker there'd be no no escape from your delusions

You will live when we tell you to live and you will die
when we tell you to die

Always yes Sir/Ma'am/Your Holines
Oui, ja, da, binary 1
Because 0 does not compute

A refusal
Deviant, weird, traitor, homo, queer, free-thinker
The question is always a demand
The question is never: What do YOU want?
It's always: Will you do what I want?

The telepath problem: we don't all think the same
so stop thinking I can read your mind

How dare you not do what I want you to do
How dare you not have the precognitive ability
to know what I want before I know what I want
....because everyone's the same
....except the weirdos and deviants....
because your body is not your own and
it belongs to us Because these are the
21st century delusions of the Vorlon-Borg Coalition


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A mirror to hold up to life
Life-ha, you'll never get out of it alive

Keep on surviving
Keep on writing

To do more than survive
But also simply to survive
That which is more than eating and sleeping

To write is to know
To know is to live

A day
Hot and cold
The indifference of the universe

It rained in summer
I went to the dentist
for the way it affected my sleep

Feel empty
Feel full
Hungry, but cannot stand to eat any more
What is 'not hungry'?
There is no equivalent word

or otherwise satisfied


Maybe simply a compulsion
I'll dilute my blood doing that but
maybe I don't care

Master Chief Commander Villas Boas Riker
Check him for traces of dust

A Ritalin-induced hallucination?
Some kind of withdrawal symtoms?

Never trust a TEEP that's what he'd say
Should have his name tattooed on his eyelids
for the next time someone messes with his reality

There must be some kind of way out of here,
said the Vorlon to the Thief

See an enlisted shrink

They say aliens don't exist
Then I'm down in the casino
with half a Deanna Troi
