Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Some people are bloody ***ts!
Former senior British Army official in Iraq, James Ellery, admits the link between peak oil and the Anglo-American occupation of Iraq.

Very much connects with monday's 'Dispatches' on Channel 4. I really should write to them, but it still shows up the I will say it Fascist nature of 'our' government. Nu Labour combat extremism in prisons by bringing in Imams who blame Muslims for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Presumably they weren't religious enough!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


  1. Unlike you, blood runs through my veins

Unlike you, I have feelings

Would the world notice if you bled to death?

Rejoice, the indifference of the universe

Sometimes, I’m at peace, but never passive

Always wanting to move on

Never static, but always going back to the same place

(at least in my mind)

  1. Blood runs through all our veins

We all have feelings

But, so often it helps to have a

heart of stone, pumping black blood

through one’s arteries

  1. A war of all against me

Everyone who matters was unable

To accept me or any change in me

I may as well communicate by spitting bile,

I’d probably make more sense

  1. Love is suicide

Kindness never matters to people

It’s all about property relations

Everyone has to be a mirror

To everyone else

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Prisons=Ghettos=Isolated, Insulated Communities

Human Rights Abuses Against Prisoners

Friday, June 06, 2008


2020 End of cheap oil and beginning of a “Children’s
Rights” movement
2030 Children’s Rights movement builds momentum,
challenging existing legal arrangements, as a result of an
aging population and scapegoating of minors as criminals
2030-80 With depleting fossil fuel reserves there is a beginning
of pressure and outright demand by Capital for investment in
Space exploration in order to move industry off-planet
2050 Disintegration of United States as a unified political
2050-90 Population crashes from >8 billion to <4>
(for hydrocarbons), Mars, Ganymede and Europa+
Mining of Asteroid Belt by EU, Russia and China
2090-2110 Advances in AI* allow interstellar exploration,
At first by containing a crew of AI-Constructs of recently
Deceaced/ coma patients aboard a laser powered solar
Sail vessel the size of a suitcase (a la “Accelerando”),
Then through a form of teleportation from one solar
System to another (although transporting a whole,
Living human being is unlikely)

*AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. If AI is possible,
a matrix or substrate containing an AI should be able
to contain or store a holographic, virtual representation
of a human brain. This can be converted into a virtual
representation of that brain's personality. A scan
would probably be done at first involving a recently
deceased volunteer as the process would likely
be too intrusive for a living person to survive.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Rainbow Coalitions, Resurgent Fascism and
the Class War

Barack Obama’s Pernicious Refusal to Defend the Causes of Black/Brown People

Tolu Olorunda | 05.06.2008

Italy’s leap into the dark: Smells, signals and symptoms of fascism

Gaither Stewart | 05.06.2008

While I applaud Lloyd Cooke's proposals for a "Rainbow Coalition"
to defeat the BNP in the
forthcoming Mayoral Election, he doesn't give the whole picture

about South Africa. Despite the
end of Apartheid, the country continues to suffer from chronic
economic and social problems,
endemic corruption and entrenched class divisions.

All this is despite a history of worker's struggle in Southern Africa,
from rebellions of diamond
miners in the 1870's, to the first multi-ethnic and ,at the time,
revolutionary, party in S.Africa, the
ANC, in the 1950's to current struggles for housing and a universal
minimum wage today. In the
race for concilliation, these issues have been ignored, and at the
peril of the poor of South Africa
and the Stoke-on-Trent of the future.

Background/info on:

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Wellness of mind and body

Or not, as the case may be

Do the healthy need healing?

Or, can the healthy truly heal

Without really experiencing any of our usual maladies?

Are our signs of maladjustments really adjustments?

If a wise man is blind, is he really unhealthy?

Does sight profit a wealthy man if he is unwise

And cannot really see what is in front of or around him?

Are you blind if you saw it coming?

A deaf man can still perceive of sound

The crippled can at least perceive of self-locomotion

But what do the dead or unborn feel?

“At least we have our health”
