Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Formal ranking system generally used in the "Star Wars"

Further from previous posts, all major Alliances etc from
the Trade Federation to the Empire and the Rebel Alliance
use the same ranking system.

The only major discrepancy is the apparent equivalent use
of the ranks of 'General' and 'Admiral' but, for argument's
sake, I will assume that only one grade of each exists and
I will disregard the possible rank of 'Marshall' (although
this is sometimes apparently used). 'Admiral' basically refers
to 'above General', as in the Rebel Alliance and the New
Republic and the Imperial Rank of Grand Admiral. For
Imperial purposes all other grades of 'Admiral' can be
either considered as titular ranks (as proposed in previous
posts) or are (a grade of) 'General'.

3. Commander
4. Colonel
5. Major
6. Captain
7. Lieutenant
8. Senior WO
9. Master WO
10. Warrant Officer
11. Sergeant
12. Staff Corporal
13. Corporal
14. Trooper/Private