Monday, August 29, 2011

Free Credit/A Compromise

I think it would be fair, in order to avoid destitution,
to provide Asylum Seekers with Free Credit. The system
would also be available to all Citizens aged 16 or above.

I propose that everyone is entitled to 20K Free Credit,
with a limit of 100 pounds a week, via special cash
machines. All a borrower would have to do is provide
a name and a fingerprint or iris scan and the money
would be available. For some people this would
basically act as a free overdraft and would be
paid off in the same manner. Otherwise the credit
would be paid off when the borrower earns more than
10K a year.

I feel this would be most fair to people who are
most destitute i.e. the vulnerably housed and can
replace the high street loan sharks and be an
emergency fund for students. The caveat for Asylum
Seekers would be that they would not have to pay
the money back if they leave the country within
three years of arriving, while after three years
asylum would be automatically granted.

I feel it would also be fair to give, at least
to those from the EU, non-citizen/Asylum Seeker
foreign workers Jobseeker's Allowance, or for
at least three years after arriving.

For taxes, the first 10K earned would be
untaxed, while the rest would be taxed at
a rate of 80%. Again, foreign Students and
Asylum Seekers would be allowed to work
but would be ineligible for JSA.

British workers would still recieve JSA
even if they work full-time, so long as
their earnings (other than benefits)
are below 40K per year.

Workers and Full-time UK Students would
also recieve a General Worker's Allowance
of 100 pounds per week. JSA is rated at
80 pounds per week and students can claim
this during the summer, although the GWA
is only paid during term-time. Employees
earning over 150K per year do not recieve
GWA either.

Finally, all UK students aged 16 and above
recieve 55 pounds per week Education Maintenance

Sunday, August 28, 2011

With regards to the last post..the question begs:
Why cannot people be allowed to work in this
country if they wish? Why is birth and citizenship
so important, which leads to how a supposedly
more equitable system allows for further
inequitability-bankers get let off and
foreigners are barred from working in
the country, or are at least fit into
nice little arbitrary categories.

Or, simply the choice appears with
government to be a choice between
a regime which is too lenient or
a regime which is too punishing.

and with work: is work only productive
labour, so: what is productive labour?

A student labours as much as a single
mother or a bin man but one has a debt,
one has an allowance and one has a wage.

Put students on jobseekers?

Monday, August 22, 2011

100% Income Tax


Keep the Citizen's Income of 55 pounds per
week for all UK citizens aged 16 onwards, Disability Living
Allowance at extra 100 pounds p/w, and Jobseeker's Allowance
increasing from zero pounds per week to 30 pounds after three
months and then another 20 pounds at twelve months, but the
income tax is at a universal flat rate of 100%.

On the face of it, this is insane, but the tax is again on
income only, not benefits. The plan is to provide all workers
[full-time, part-time and volunteers, so long as they are
working for an organisation or another individual]
with a weekly income of 350 pounds per week by adding a
'General Worker's Allowance' of 295 pounds per week
on top of the Citizen's Income, while all workers earning less
than 100K a year would recieve a tax rebate of 20% at the
end of each financial year.

The assumption for those earning high wages is that high earners
usually find ways to avoid paying tax but at least those who
normally avoid doing so would pay at least 100K a year.

Both an upside and a downside is that employers would benefit
from this in that they could effectively pay zero wages and
the workers would still recieve an income from the government.
This may decrease unemployment but could also create a number
of 'non-jobs', although charities would greatly benefit from

Neither would it be worth employing illegal workers or
paying cash in hand, although this practice would hardly
entirely go away.

The only individuals exempt from taxes on income earned would
be students and asylum seekers, plus full-time domestic students
would get 205 pounds per week during term-time. Foreign students
would be able to work as well as asylum seekers.There would be
no tuition fees.

Asylum seekers and pensioners would recieve a weekly allowance
of 100 pounds. Asylum seekers would be allowed to work, but
would have to pay income tax after three years in the
country, although the weekly allowance would remain until
citizenship is granted.It ought to go without saying that
students and asylum seekers would be ineligible for the
General Worker's Allowance.

Corporation tax would probably go down and taxes like
VAT reduced to a token 1%, while council tax
can be abolished entirely.
Things easily done

UK-Universal 'Citizen's Income' of 55 pounds per week-
for all UK citizens aged 16 onwards regardless
of other benefits or earnings

Disability Living Allowance at extra 100 pounds p/w

Jobseeker's Allowance initially at zero pounds p/w
-increasing to 30 pounds after three months
-then another 20 pounds at twelve months

VAT cut to 9% and payment of TV Licence voluntary
-however VAT on certain electrical goods at 15%
to 'pay' for TV Licence

-Fines of 100K for tax avoiders
-50% income tax at 100K per annum
-65% income tax at 1 million pounds per annum

Rent controls
-Max. 100 pounds per week one person dwelling
-5 pounds per week first six months for new
job seekers
-5 pounds per month for properties being
previously unoccupied for longer than
12 months

-20 pounds housing benefit per week
-Grant of 3K
-Fees foreign and domestic capped at
500 pounds per year

European Union

Synchronised corporation tax of 45%

Free credit for all citizens up to
40K Euros


'Tobin' tax on financial transactions

500 dollars free credit for every person
on the planet

World elects World Bank and US Presidents
from chosen candidates

ALL debts up to a 'zero date' written off:
i.e. personal, corporate and soverign

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some 'definitions'......

Libertarianism is when the country is run by lawyers

Fascism is when the country is run by soldiers

Liberalism is when the police run the country

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hi Goodnight and Good Evening

after all this crap lately everyone reading
this I think should cheer themselves and me
up by reading Neil Gaiman's Eternals or Karl
Marx's The Civil War in France...or for a laugh
Murray Bookchin's Ghost of Anarcho-Syndicalism.
Funny how the first one is really about a civil
war, the next is really about the Paris Commune.
And its about these people trynna kill
people who can't die. Or was that Torchwood?
RIP Mark Duggan
They're cutting off my DLA, about an hour ago after reading the letter I was seriously thinking about murdering someone but then I remembered a comrade who is unfortunately detained and will not know of this post: Jerome you saved my life today thank you

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Racist bastards make me sick, EDL see three black
youths on a bus (and yes I may be missing something
but that is because youtube doesn't have a time-
travel function to view backwards in time thingy).

This cesspit of a cuntry really makes me sick,
Tory's get in and all they talk about is state
murder, a few riots (yes four people have been
killed and this is tragic) and all the armchair
Pinochets talk about using rubber bullets against
children, you are actually scared of the weak
and powerless? You are nothing but a fucking
pussy=fascist, no better than the EDL cowardly

Someone DIED, someone was murdered by the police.
Whatever happened to ACCOUNTABILITY?

Get rid of the police

RIP Mark Duggan

Whatever you may have done in this life,
I may be sure that you are in Heaven now

Monday, August 08, 2011

Some possible names for 'Culture' starships that I came up with

General Contact Unit It was there when I got here

GCU Disappointed Optimist

GCU You don't have to be insane to work here
but it helps

ex-Homomda I changed my mind

General System Vehicle Underlying sense of gravitas

GSV Gravitas, gravitas, wherefore art thou gravitas?

GCU It helps if you have wings

General Offensive Unit That's your problem not mine

Rapid Offensive Unit Manners maketh man

General Contact Vehicle I changed my mind, pray I
don't change it any further

Very Fast Picket Don't get your effectors in a twist

Medium System Vehicle We'll get there eventually

GSV Apocalypse eventually

GCU I have a bad feeling about this

ex-Morthanveld What am I doing here?

ROU Should have aimed a bit higher

GOU Profit gradient

Eccentric Stop ignoring me

GSV Our prayers have been answered

GSV If God did exist I'd have to destroy myself

GCU Dark Star

GCU Help! I'm lost and I can't find my way out

GCU I had the idea first

GCU I've lost count

VFP I hate to spoil your delusions, laserbrain

ROU Spoiling for a fight

Elencher Walkabout

GCU Lost in the forest

Elencher I couldn't help myself

GCU Terminal diagnosis

GCU Diagnosis terminal

ex-Morthanveld Shellshock