Star Wars: Alternative outcomes.
Between the events in episodes 2 and 6 (particulary in 'Revenge of
the Sith' and 'Empire Strikes Back') there are several possible
alternative outcomes to the destiny of the Republic and the Jedi
1st: Sidious does not attempt to defeat Yoda and, similarly,
Vader and Obi-Wan's confrontation ends in a similar standoff
Yoda heads a Jedi Order of one while attempting to run Coruscant
and the Republic with the co-operation of the Senate. Eventually,
Palpatine is put into storage but the running of the Galaxy is
very much dependent on the Sector Governors Palpatine had
appointed and the continued threat to a resurgent Jedi Order
from the surviving Clone Trooper battalions.
2nd: Anakin/Vader and Mace/Luke/Leia defeat Palpatine/Sidious
With the Senate still intact it is possible that Skywalker and
Windu would try to coerce it into accepting their temporary rule.
Windu and Skywalker may be able to re-establish the Jedi Order
but any attempt to force order on the Galaxy would lead to
a rule by the Sith in fact if not in name.
3rd: Sidious is killed by Yoda while Kenobi is killed by Darth
The Senate would probably exile Yoda and abolish the Jedi Order.
It is debatable whether they would accept Anakin as Chancellor,
and Vader may, through Qui-Gon's influence, return to the Light
4th: Vader, or another villain, KILLS (as opposed to simply being
capture, placed in carbonite suspension etc) Luke Skywalker
Via the teachings (post death) of Obi-Wan Kenobi* and Qui-Gon Jinn*,
Luke would return to teach Leia the Jedi arts. Eventually Leia
or one of her disciples would be strong enough to be able to
finally defeat the Sith forever.
5th: both Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are killed (by: Black
Sun/The Hutts/renegade Imperials or Bounty Hunters)
Empire would be much weakened and the Jedi would remain.
Again, Luke would train Leia from the beyond while Sidious
would renew the search for a new apprentice
1=Likely Civil War or collapse into warlordism
2=Rule by the Sith, defeat of Rebellion
3=Defeat of both Jedi and Sith
4=Rebellion (temporarily) defeated but Jedi Order re-established
5=Empire would be much weakened and the Jedi would remain.en
Factions affecting results 1 to 3:
Senate Guard
Senatorial Courts
Sector Governors (Moffs)
Separatist holdouts and die-hards
Clone Army and rest of Republic military/
Judicial Starfleet
*The ability to retain their personality after death and commune
with those close to them is the key to reviving the Jedi Order.
In this manner, the main characters in the Star Wars saga are:
Darth Maul (for slaying Qui-Gon in the first place, while
his successor Darth Tyrannous refused to finish off Obi-Wan);
Darth Sidious; Shmi, Anakin and Luke Skywalker; Padme Amidala
and, finally, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Sorry, fans of Jar-Jar Binks, Leia, Han, Chewie, Yoda and the
Ewoks: the essential characters are those listed and no more.
Between the events in episodes 2 and 6 (particulary in 'Revenge of
the Sith' and 'Empire Strikes Back') there are several possible
alternative outcomes to the destiny of the Republic and the Jedi
1st: Sidious does not attempt to defeat Yoda and, similarly,
Vader and Obi-Wan's confrontation ends in a similar standoff
Yoda heads a Jedi Order of one while attempting to run Coruscant
and the Republic with the co-operation of the Senate. Eventually,
Palpatine is put into storage but the running of the Galaxy is
very much dependent on the Sector Governors Palpatine had
appointed and the continued threat to a resurgent Jedi Order
from the surviving Clone Trooper battalions.
2nd: Anakin/Vader and Mace/Luke/Leia defeat Palpatine/Sidious
With the Senate still intact it is possible that Skywalker and
Windu would try to coerce it into accepting their temporary rule.
Windu and Skywalker may be able to re-establish the Jedi Order
but any attempt to force order on the Galaxy would lead to
a rule by the Sith in fact if not in name.
3rd: Sidious is killed by Yoda while Kenobi is killed by Darth
The Senate would probably exile Yoda and abolish the Jedi Order.
It is debatable whether they would accept Anakin as Chancellor,
and Vader may, through Qui-Gon's influence, return to the Light
4th: Vader, or another villain, KILLS (as opposed to simply being
capture, placed in carbonite suspension etc) Luke Skywalker
Via the teachings (post death) of Obi-Wan Kenobi* and Qui-Gon Jinn*,
Luke would return to teach Leia the Jedi arts. Eventually Leia
or one of her disciples would be strong enough to be able to
finally defeat the Sith forever.
5th: both Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are killed (by: Black
Sun/The Hutts/renegade Imperials or Bounty Hunters)
Empire would be much weakened and the Jedi would remain.
Again, Luke would train Leia from the beyond while Sidious
would renew the search for a new apprentice
1=Likely Civil War or collapse into warlordism
2=Rule by the Sith, defeat of Rebellion
3=Defeat of both Jedi and Sith
4=Rebellion (temporarily) defeated but Jedi Order re-established
5=Empire would be much weakened and the Jedi would remain.en
Factions affecting results 1 to 3:
Senate Guard
Senatorial Courts
Sector Governors (Moffs)
Separatist holdouts and die-hards
Clone Army and rest of Republic military/
Judicial Starfleet
*The ability to retain their personality after death and commune
with those close to them is the key to reviving the Jedi Order.
In this manner, the main characters in the Star Wars saga are:
Darth Maul (for slaying Qui-Gon in the first place, while
his successor Darth Tyrannous refused to finish off Obi-Wan);
Darth Sidious; Shmi, Anakin and Luke Skywalker; Padme Amidala
and, finally, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Sorry, fans of Jar-Jar Binks, Leia, Han, Chewie, Yoda and the
Ewoks: the essential characters are those listed and no more.