A to Zarek "Battleship Delusions"Abortion-legal, but banned under Laura Roslin's
presidency. Frowned upon by Gemonese, who condone
child slavery so why the frak does their opinion
matter anyway?
Adama, Lee-Officer in CR.
Son of William, call sign 'Apollo'.
Rank Captain, later promoted to Major, briefly
Commander of Pegasus.
Helped to defend Gaius Baltar, left Fleet after
trial then represented Caprica in Quorum of
Probably studied Law, survived Exodus, was
President for a bit. So was a Lawyer.
Flew Vipers. Married Dualla after frakking
Starbuck. Got fat.
Adama, Joseph-Father of William, dumb dead Frak was a Lawyer
Adama, William-or 'Bill'. Commanded three Battlestars
after getting back in the fleet after several years
'working' with Saul Tigh on a flying toilet. Survived
Exodus and an attempted coup by Gaeta and Zarek.
Frakked the President, possibly while high. Fascist.
Adultery-not a sin apparently
Agethon, Carl-Was Boomer's ECO, stayed behind
on Caprica where he met up with and frakked
the 'other' Sharon Valeri (also sans hymen
or Agethon is very dim as the first Sharon
was frakking Chief Tyrol). Call sign 'Helo',
promoted to Captain, father of Hera.
Airlocking-term for type of capital punishment
invented by Laura Roslin as a way of getting
rid of bolshy Cylons. Called 'Spacing' in
every other si-fi drama and novels.
Algae-staple diet during the Exodus from New Caprica.
Colonials turned to this source of food, coffee and
paper after Stoner Roslin ate all the paper after
having the munchies. Also Algae Planet.
Ambrosia-alcoholic beverage drunk in Colonies,
looks like piss and still apparently produced
in some quantities throughout Exodus. Not to
be confused with a brand of rice pudding.
Anders, Samuel-Varied and multiple career over several
lifetimes. Scientist, prophet, astronaut, Pyramid
player, resistance fighter/leader, pilot. Learned
to fly, rank Ensign then started hearing 'All along
the watchtower' and decided he was a Cylon. He was,
although he was born on Earth. Was shot in the head
during Gaeta's mutiny and became a Hybrid.
Angels-visionary beings seen by Baltar, the 'Earth'
Cylons and others.
Asshole-see Idiot
Baltar, Gaius-Computer scientist. Worked
for Ministry of Defence. Sold secrets to
the Cylons, unwittingly helping them wipe
out the twelve colonies.
Invented a Cylon detector which actually
worked but no-one believed him.Elected
President, settled New Caprica. Jailbird
then prophet. Was not a Cylon. Did not have
a chip in his head. Probably never believed a word
he or anyone else said. Survived Exodus and even
Laura Roslin twice despite being charged with
treason for collaborating with the Cylon
Frakked two 'Sixes', Starbuck, Tory Foster
and at least one D'ana
Babies- non-machine life produced by sexual
reproduction in Humans. Cannot be produced
by Cylons, except the Earth Cylons could.
This is then contradicted by none of the
'Final Five' being able to concieve.
Colonials and Cylons hadn't heard of IVF.
And it hadn't occured to Helo and Athena
to try and concieve again after Bill faked
Hera's death.
An explanation for this delusion-babies
could only be concieved by accident until
the Colonials begin to breed with the natives
on New Earth. Who have hymens.
Battlestar-see Galactica and Pegasus
Bill-see Adama, W
-Contact sport played in Colonies
-Term for Cylon 'prison', long-term storage
of defective models.
Brig-Galactica's brig is quite roomy and
appears to be reserved for Cylons. Maybe
the loneliness is meant as a kind of punishment
as the junior officers (and ratings? we only
ever see the room the Tyrols share) share
very cramped quarters.
CAG-as in 'Commander Air Group', see Captain.
Glorified Air Traffic Controller cum Nanny
for Rook pilots. Position was occupied at various
times by Starbuck, Apollo, Kat and Helo.
Cain, Helena- Vice-Admiral (or summat). Commander
of Battleship Pegasus, was murdered by one of the
Sixes after Bill and Starbuck decided not to
murder her. Prone to spacing civilians. Actually
she had them shot which would have saved air
but not bullets.
Cally-Deckhand, married Tyrol after being
impregnated by Ensign Hotdog. Found out he
(Tyrol) was a Cylon. Murdered by Tory Foster.
Camalla-or 'Camalla extract'. Drug used by Priests
and Laura Roslin to achieve visions. Alleged cancer
Caprica-Main planet of twelve colonies
Caprica Six-Cylon agent, model six. Infiltrated
colonial society, aided Gaius Baltar in developing
new navigation system so the Cylons could hack
into it. Killed in Cylon attack on Caprica City.
Resurrected, repeatedly saw Angel version of
Baltar, got impregnated by Saul Tigh, arrived
on New Earth with Baltar and Colonials. Model
sided with anti-Cavil faction in Cylon civil
Cancer-Laura Roslin got this twice. Basically
because most Colonial technology is from
the 1950's.
Caprica City-major city on Caprica, presumably
capital city of Colonies. Center for learning,
culture, nice weather etc.
-as in captain of a ship
-commissioned rank in Colonial Fleet, usually
given to 'the' CAG
Cavil, John-Cylon number one. First model to be created
by Ellen, Galen, Saul, Samuel and Tory. Atheist,
leads anti-Five faction after boxing D'ana. Sadist.
Centurions-model of Cylon created by Colonials,
monotheists. Later models given free will by
anti-Cavil faction.
Chief-as in 'Chief Specialist', 'Chief Petty
Officer' and 'Senior Chief'. By the fourth
series it was really a different programme.
See Tyrol, Galen.
Colonial-as in the military or government
of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol
Colonial Fleet, or CF-sort of space navy
with Officers using US Air Force ranks
Colonial Law-mainly concerns military
codes and definitions of treason,
otherwise is more of a bill and
definition/declaration of rights
and length of Presidential terms etc
Colonial Marines,as in CMC/Marines-
apparently in same service as CF/CR
with same chain-of-command.
Colonial Reserves-sort of third branch
of service consisting of both pilots
and deckhands
Colonials-humans well mostly anyway. Citizens
of the 'Twelve Colonies of Kobol'.
Colonel-Commissioned rank, usually held by
second-in-command of a Battlestar and given
to paranoid/drunken Fraks
-singular of Twelve Colonies, as in 'my
colony' etc. Each Colony has its own
independent legal system.
-Cylon home base
Commander-rank/title given to the Commander
of a Battlestar. Only outranked by an
Admiral, or the President
Contraception-see Paper
Corporal- Non-commissioned rank in Colonial Marines
Cottle-Doctor, rank Major. Cantankerous git who
smokes 70 a day.
Cylons-Robots, there are twelve or thirteen of the
human versions. Some think they are human. Some
humans think they're Cylons. Its very confusing.
The female versions seemed to only ovulate every
four years.
D'ana-Number three humanoid Cylon, model boxed
by Cavil on charges of Messianic Delusions.
Final copy stayed on Earth.
Daniel-Cylon, dead Cylon. VERY dead Cylon.
Was NOT Kara Thrace's father despite plenty
of evidence to the contrary.
Deckhands-as in 'Knuckledraggers'. Regulations
prohibit a Deckhand from frakking a superior Idiot.
Mend planes and produce the Fleet's supply of
Delegate-Quorum member
Divorce-a sin, at least according to Kara Thrace.
Probably even illegal.
Doral-tour guide, dick and suicide bomber. No
personality, Cylon. Sided with Cavil,Boomer
and the Simons.
Dualla-First name Anastasia or summat but everyone
called her 'Dee'. Petty Officer in CR, married Lee Adama,
promoted to Junior Lieutenant. Shot herself after
Galactica discovered Earth.
'Duck'-Ginger suicide bomber during Cylon occupation.
Former pilot.
Dylan, Bob-Probably a Cylon (!)
Earth-One of two planets. The first was inhabited
by Cylons. Who could breed. The second was
inhabited by pre-verbal humans. Who could
breed with the Colonials.
ECO-Backseat driver, prone to wanking.
Eight-as in Cylon model number eight, see
Sharon Valeri
Engineering section- no-one on Galactica actually
works here, complement of Pegasus=2 minus
the paranoid former head
Ensign-rank usually given to Nugget pilots
Eternal recurrence-as in "All of this has
happened before and all of this will happen
again". Except the philosophy is a kind
of secular reincarnation.
Maybe the script should have read:
"The fraks who do not learn from their
frak-ups are condemned to frak up again".
Exodus-Remaining Colonials fled the Colonies
after Cylon sneak attack for over four years
Fall-as in the Fall of the Twelve Colonies
of Kobol,the Cylon sneak attack on the Colonies
which exterminated most of Humanity
Fat One-see Drugs
Final Five, or Five-confusingly, the Cylons who were
born on Earth and created the eight humanoid
models of Cylon
-Final Five
-Temple of the Five
Fleet, as in more than one ship and Commanded
by an Admiral.
-The Fleet that escaped the
Colonies mostly consisted of civilian
-Also refers to the Colonial Fleet
FTL-as in 'Faster Than Light'
Foster, Tory-Worked for Laura Roslin, helped
to rig presidential election with Saul Tigh.
Found out she was a Cylon and was married
to Galen Tyrol in previous life. Ironically
strangled to death by her former husband
when he found out about Cally's death.
Correction, they were gonna marry.
Frak-as in what you would probably say if
you found out that you were a Cylon
Galactica-A battlestar, basically a 1940's
aircraft carrier in space. Commanded by
W.Adama then briefly by Samuel Anders.
One candidate for the 'dying leader'.
Flew into the Sun.
Gaeta, Felix-Perpetual turncoat and Junior
Lieutenant. Conspired with Tom Zarek to
seize control of Galactica. Dead frak
Gemenon, as in Gemonese. The Gemonese
take the scriptures literally. Parents
have legal control over their children
until of age (18)
Genocide-not a sin, supposedly. But
certainly frowned upon by historians.
God-worshiped by Cylons and Humans. Doesn't
like to be called by that name.
Gravity-always works on Galactica even during
power cuts.
Hack-smaller version of the brig, used for
holding political prisoners and Idiots
Hera-Messiah daughter of Carl and Sharon
Agethon. Half Cylon. Named after a cow.
See Zeus.
Husker-'Bill' Adama's call sign. Summing
to do with Bob Mould?
Husker Du-as in 'do you remember?'. Either
connected to theme of eternal recurrence
or Bob Mould.
Hybrid-Humanoid creature, sits in a bath, talks
rubbish, controls Cylon Baseships. Most are female.
Hymen-either absent from Colonial females or absent
from female Cylons. Or absent from Carl Agethon's
Idiot-a Commissioned Officer, see Asshole
IVF- see Babies and Cancer, to be fair all of the
advanced technology used by the Colonials would
appear to be re-inventions of lost technology.
Jupiter-Had an Eye, see Zeus
Kat-Lieutenant in CF, got a really unhealthy
suntan during the algae food run. Promoted
to Captain on deathbed.
Kobol-supposed birthplace of Mankind, rediscovered
in first months of Exodus. Didn't work out, too
many Cylons. Except the Baseship in orbit was
nuked by Boomer.
Knuckledragger-term for deck hands
Leoben-one of the Cylon models that defected
with the Sixes and Eights. Had a very unhealthy
obsession with Kara Thrace which resulted in
him being murdered by her about a hundred times.
Lieutenant-junior Commissioned rank, Full
Lieutenants are usually experienced pilots.
Lords of Kobol-deities strangely reminiscent
of Greek and Roman gods. Probably wore togas.
Worshiped by majority of Colonial society.
Major-senior rank in Colonial Fleet,
outranks Captain, below Colonel
Manslaughter-probably legal
Marines-members of 'Colonial Marine Corps'.
Scared of coffee.
Murder-bit less legal than manslaughter,
depending on importance of perpetrator
and significance or otherwise of victim.
See Treason.
Mutiny-bit worse than murder, see Treason
Mould, Bob-Fronted Husker Du. Probably not a Cylon
but who knows?
New Caprica-planet settled by Colonists then
occupied by Cylons. Crap weather.
Nugget-trainee pilot, usual rank 'Ensign'
Nova-what the Colonials call a Supernova,
a Nova thousands of years before the Fall
was witnessed by the Thirteenth Tribe
and became the Ionian Nebula.
Paper-miracle food and contraception. Presumably
as hardly anyone gets pregnant. Bill and Laura
get the munchies after the escape from New
Caprica and eat the Fleet's entire supply.
Also used in printing books and documents.
And in rolling a Fat One.
Pegasus-Battlestar, commanded briefly by Lee
Adama. Destroyed in rescue from New Caprica.
President-elected President of the Twelve
Colonies of Kobol. Title remains during
Exodus and the settlement of New Caprica.
The President has extensive executive power.
Roslin, Adama and Zarek were never actually
elected, they were all appointed by their
Some democracy.Title usually refers
to President Stoner Roslin.
Private-enlisted rank in Colonial Marines
Prostitution-legal, including pimping
of former pupils of certain former teachers.
As in Laura Roslin.
Pyramid-very strange cross of basketball and
rugby, played with those stupid little footballs
children play with for some reason
Pythia-dead chick. Prone to writing about
things that had already happened as if they
were going to happen. Or summat.
Quorum-as in ..of Delegates
Quorum of Delegates-Representative body of
Twelve Colonies, one Delegate from each
Colony.Only real power is to select a
President or Vice-President in times
of crisis and to declare a vote of no
in the incumbent. The President can
usually veto decisions made by this
body, presumably including changes
to Colonial Law
Raptor-sort of a plane with FTL capability.
Usual crew 2; a pilot and an ECO.
Resurrection-Cylon process of reincarnation
directly into new body after death. Not at
all like the process described in producing
Gholas in Dune, Gholas are cloned from
dead material.
Rickets-condition due to lack of vitamin D, none
of the Colonials seem to be affected by this
despite lack of fresh fruit and vegatables
and a diet consisting almost entirely of
reprocessed algae for the last two years
of the Exodus from the Colonies.
Roslin, Laura-49th in line after President Adar.
Became President after everyone above was killed.
Teacher, probable pot-head. Ended up
frakking a former pupil. And then Adar!
Was President, again, after Zarek.
Got cancer, twice. Died on 2nd Earth.
Frakked Bill. Saw visions. Religious nut turned
nihilist. Convinced herself and half the fleet
that she was the predicted 'dying leader' who
would er lead mankind to Earth.
Rook-inexperienced pilot, usual rank Junior
Lieutenant or Ensign
Sagittaron-Home colony of both Dualla and
Tom Zarek. All other citizens show a deep
religious phobia of doctors and modern
medicine. Or this group could be a sub
element who tramp around the Colonies
giving the impression they are all like
that. Mostly pacifists.
Scurvy-condition due to lack of vitamin C.
Colonials managed to avoid this. See rickets.
Scriptures-prophetic waffle, presumably
partly or wholly written by Pythia.
First line reads: "Life here began out
Common quote is "All this has happened
before and all of this will happen again"
See Eternal Recurrence
-rank or title in CMC,
-title/rank occasional Nugget pilot
Six-only model of Cylon to use different
names and have different dress senses
to others of same model. Skilled in
hand to hand combat and piloting.
See Caprica Six
Simon-Cylon model prone to playing
doctor, model sided with Cavil
Specialist-rank or title in Colonial Fleet
given to Deckhands
Starbuck-see Kara Thrace
Suicide-Cylons at least consider it a sin,
unless you can take others along with you
Supernova-see Nova
Tauron-Baltar and Adama's family hail from
this poor colony
Temple of the Five-monument discovered
by Chief Tyrol on the Algae Planet.Gave
D'ana a vision of the Final Five, which
then killed her and prompted her
suicide-by-centurion spree.Was consumed
by the Nova in Kara's vision/painting.
Thrace, Kara. Disobedient SF cliche a la
John Trucker. Could probably spell 'anarcho-
syndicalist' though. Died, then came back. Not a
Cylon, Demon or Cylon's daughter. Hobbies:
gambling, praying, frakking, fighting and
painting visions of Novas.
Married a Cylon, Anders. He turned into a Hybrid and
flew into the Sun.
Dying leader of a sort, lead fleet to both Earths.
Call sign 'Starbuck'. Girl, probably pees standing
up though. Mother was a sadist and a Corporal
or Sergeant-Major in Colonial Marines.
Tauron-Baltar and Adama's family hail from
this poor colony
Tigh, Ellen-Saul's wife in two lifetimes.
Frakked half the fleet. Cylon, with distinction
of being the only female Cylon Baltar didn't
frak. Unless he didn't do any number eights.
He probably did.
Tigh, Saul-Colonel, veteran of First Cylon War.
Except those were false memories. Served with
Adama on a flying toilet then nearly set
himself on fire until re-instated as Captain.
Self-destructive, married a Cylon, was a Cylon
himself. Born on Earth, died on 2nd Earth.
Probably. Spent most of career drunk, then
impregnated Caprica Six. The baby died.
Treason-Treason is punishable by death
under Colonial Law
Tyrol, Galen aka 'Chief'-Senior Chief on
Galactica then Union leader on New Caprica.
Resistance leader during Cylon occupation,
then he found out he was a Cylon. Survived
Tylium-fuel used by both Colonials
and Cylons. Ore conveniently only located
in asteroids. Maguffin.
Science bit-as Tylium is neither a
fossil or nuclear fuel as such but
is rendered inert by radiation and
nuclear explosions it is possible
that refined Tylium reacts with
Virtual Particles. Maybe.
Valeri, Sharon
-aka 'Boomer'. She shot W.Adama
then Cally shot her. She resurrected.
Frakked the Chief
-aka 'Athena'. Marred Karl Agethon.
Then he shot her. She resurrected.
Two of a line of Cylons, number eight.
All called Sharon. All but Boomer
joined the Colonials, Boomer staying
with the Cavil faction.
Viper-a jet fighter in space, fires bullets
Wanking-bored pilots do a lot of this
Warrant Officer-dress in white, everyone
ignores them. Presumably bottom of the
enlisted food chain or they just got
their laundry mixed up. Or is the lowest
commissioned rank. The producers were
pretty high on camalla at the time.
Zarek, Tom-Saggitaron jailbird then Baltar's
Vice-President. Was President for three days
post-New Caprica. Lifelong ambition to die by
firing squad actually achieved after Gaeta's
mutiny failed.
Zeus-aka Jupiter, Lord of Kobol. Prone to
turning into a swan. Married a cow. The
cow was his sister.