My haircut is just as crap as Boris Johnson's.
So why can't I be taken seriously as a politician?
The thing is that I would probably make a better Labour leader than Corbyn.
I know I'm not a good speaker but at the very least I would write a speech pointing out that we shouldn't lose the rights being in the EU would have granted us while also criticicing the poor deal the EU gave to Greece.
I'd also ask anyone criticicing the EU if:
1) they have ever voted in the Euro elections
2) they understand that both the Queen and the upper house are unelected...
3) they had even heard of the EU ten years ago
4) they think Britain should be a Republic and
5) exactly how being in the EU impacts their life negatively or otherwise
I know I'm not a good speaker but at the very least I would write a speech pointing out that we shouldn't lose the rights being in the EU would have granted us while also criticicing the poor deal the EU gave to Greece.
I'd also ask anyone criticicing the EU if:
1) they have ever voted in the Euro elections
2) they understand that both the Queen and the upper house are unelected...
3) they had even heard of the EU ten years ago
4) they think Britain should be a Republic and
5) exactly how being in the EU impacts their life negatively or otherwise