Compared to the Earth Alliance military structure in
the (fleet of the) Galactic Empire in Star Wars (certainly
between ‘A New Hope’ and ‘The Empire Strikes Back’) is of a
similar size, but unlike in B5 the ‘Army’ (Stormtroopers) is
apparently incorporated into the (Space) Navy. For the sake
of argument I am not ignoring any ‘Clone Troopers’ that may
still be alive, but they are assumed to be all of NCO rank. The
different divisions of ‘troopers do not outrank one another as
such but I am assuming that there is a hierarchy in a similar
way to the way Roman legionaries had higher status to
Auxiliaries, to Navy, to Irregulars. General is below Captain
and can be treated as an NCO, only having authority over
(non-Naval) ‘troopers, while Planetary Governors have no
1. Grand Admiral
2. Grand Moff
3. Moff
4. Admiral
5. Planetary Governor
6. Captain
7. General
8. Naval Officers/Troopers/Pilots
9. Special Forces-Sand/Snow/Space/BCN Troopers
10. Stormtroopers-Volunteers/Veterans
11. Naval Cadets
12. Stormtroopers-Conscripts
13. Naval Cadets
14. Technician 1st class
15. Technician 2nd class (volunteer)
16. Technician 2nd class (conscript)
For arguments sake it is probably best to avoid confusion
by appointing Earth-military ranks below that of command
rank as this would create a confusing situation where the
equivalent of ‘Colonel’ is below that of ‘Ensign’.
This is a list of Earthforce ranks according to the unofficial
Note that Army ranks are not listed as such but ranks such
as ‘Warrant Officer” are mentioned which could cover
Stormtroopers , although I’d imagine that there’d be several
ranks available.
It is likely that the Imperial Navy encompasses rank
equivalents to Earth Army, Navy and Air Force ranks.
Here is a list of non-commissioned Royal Air Force ranks:
From which we could extrapolate the non-commissioned
ranks in the while using mostly (U.S) Naval ranks for
commissioned officers.
Junior Technician Jnr Tech Corporal Cpl
Sergeant Sgt
Chief Technician Chf Tech Flight Sergeant FS
Warrant Officer WO
Ranks like ‘Ensign’ and ‘General’ can be considered honorific,
but we must bear in mind that promotion in the Imperial Navy
would bypass several training-specific positions (a Technician
would not become a Stormtrooper, a Stormtrooper would not
become a Pilot, although some would be trained as Speeder
pilots etc). Presumably, ‘Warrant Officer’ would be the lowest
rank for a pilot and the highest for a ‘trooper, Chief Technician
would be equivalent to Ensign (and an individual would have
that title if he/she was a Bridge Officer), ‘Flight Sergeant’ would
be replaced with the title ‘Deck Sergeant’, Specialist
Stormtroopers (termed ‘Special Forces’) would be ranked above
Corporal, while the rank itself would cover Naval Cadets and
Volunteer Stormtroopers, finally ‘Technician’ would refer to
1. (lowest rank) Technician (all classes)
2. Corporal
3. Sergeant
4. Chief Technician
5. Deck Sergeant
6. Warrant Officer (equiv. Ensign?)
7. Lieutenant (jnr and full)
8. Lieutenant-Commander
9. Commander (equiv. General?)
10. Captain (equiv. Planetary Governor?)
11. Admiral
12. Moff
13. Grand Moff
14. Grand Admiral (highest rank)
The military situation is a reflection of the events after the
Battle of Yavin, when most of the highest-ranking officers
on the Imperial Army were killed, along with presumably many
Clone Troopers (and their descendants) who constructed and
manned the first Death Star, and priority was given to the
Imperial Navy (who’s history goes back to the pre-Clone
Hope’, which shows a dominance of Clone Troopers in the
first and Army dominance of the Death Star in the second,
it would appear that the Army (former GAR, Grand Army of the
Republic) and Navy are separate competing entities in the
Empire’s infancy, while references by Grand Admiral Thrawn
in the Extended Universe indicate a change in emphasis towards
the Imperial Navy away from the centralized tactics assumed
by use of Terror Weapons like the Death Star. This could be
due to the two bodies’ histories as the GAR is a product of the
Clone Wars and, apart from having Jedi as Generals, is a project
of Chancellor (then Emperor) Palpatine, while, initially, the Navy
was Commanded by those loyal to the
and Sector Governors are probably political roles reserved for
Palpatine loyalists, with the highest rank being Grand Moff,
presumably the incumbents have some command experience.
It is difficult to ascertain which rank Darth Vader has, certainly
he is above Admiral in the chain of command but he defers to
Grand Moff Tarkin in ‘A
twelve tactical geniuses, presumably promoted from Admiral
to avoid giving them positions of political authority.
Imperial Hierarchy post-Yavin
1. Emperor
2. Grand Admiral
3. Grand Moff
4. Moff
5. Admiral
6. Planetary Governor
7. Captain
8. General
9. Lieutenant-Commander
10. Commander
11. Full Lieutenant
12. Lieutenant junior grade
13. Ensign
14. Warrant Officer
15. Deck Sergeant
16. Chief Technician
17. Sergeant
18. Corporal
19. Technician 1st class
20. Technician 2nd class