Sci-Fi/Consensus Economics
[or "part-scarcity neo-bartering"]
I'm referring to the economics possible in an almost
"non-economy". What this means is that there is a fixed
amount of certain goods like real estate, antiques
starships etc while at the same time goods such as
food and fuel are produced freely/by the government
such as it is.
By 'Sci-Fi' I am providing a scenario
that could be/could have been adopted by the space-based
societies described or implied in 'Star Trek' (particularly
Deep Space Nine although any planet, ship or habitat
can be implied), 'Battlestar Galactica' (either
incarnation) and certain 'Ulterior' sections of 'The
All these scenarios have these requirements in common.
What am proposing is a kind of 'Time Bank'. Roughly
similar to LETS schemes the idea is that a fixed product
can be loaned out for a particular length of time
in return for use of a particular good or service
for a specific period. At the same time an individual
will work, or promise to work, on a particular service
for an agreed length of time.
The Time Bank acts as a go-between, the idea, hopefully,
that all participants can come to an agreement
on the specific values on different goods and
The way the Time Bank works is also that a promise
to work in the future basically acts as an
interest-free loan while interest is effectively
earned on the donation of a fixed product.
[or "part-scarcity neo-bartering"]
I'm referring to the economics possible in an almost
"non-economy". What this means is that there is a fixed
amount of certain goods like real estate, antiques
starships etc while at the same time goods such as
food and fuel are produced freely/by the government
such as it is.
By 'Sci-Fi' I am providing a scenario
that could be/could have been adopted by the space-based
societies described or implied in 'Star Trek' (particularly
Deep Space Nine although any planet, ship or habitat
can be implied), 'Battlestar Galactica' (either
incarnation) and certain 'Ulterior' sections of 'The
All these scenarios have these requirements in common.
What am proposing is a kind of 'Time Bank'. Roughly
similar to LETS schemes the idea is that a fixed product
can be loaned out for a particular length of time
in return for use of a particular good or service
for a specific period. At the same time an individual
will work, or promise to work, on a particular service
for an agreed length of time.
The Time Bank acts as a go-between, the idea, hopefully,
that all participants can come to an agreement
on the specific values on different goods and
The way the Time Bank works is also that a promise
to work in the future basically acts as an
interest-free loan while interest is effectively
earned on the donation of a fixed product.