Monday, July 30, 2007

Geek alert: my theory on how humans colonised the Star Wars Galaxy.

Which is basically that, at some hypothetical point in our future, a group of (post-human? Sith?) Force-sensitive individuals (for reasons of their own, good or evil) basically manipulated organic matter on hundreds (or thousands) of worlds, in thousands of different time periods, making them both habitable for humans and, more importantly, making certain that humans would emerge, probably fully grown, a la the "Pod People" (Invasion of the Body Snatchers) on these worlds.

Of course, as one interpretation of Special Relativity states that one travelling faster than light will also back in time, then the further on travels in space, the further back one would travel in time.

Being further back in time, by either method, would allow for (ironically) higher human populations the further away from Earth you went simply due to the extra time a planetary population would have to grow to its natural limits.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Yo, Respec’ is due Mo Fo!
Respect the fuzz
R.E.S.P.E.C.T the S.W.P
Don’t spit at old ladies
It’s a crime
Like writing on money
Or defacing a picture of the Queen
(bless you Ma’am)
Michael Barrymore
‘nuff respect?
Working class stereotypes
By people who have no concept of society
And can never give enough respect
In the Spartan State we call “Britain”
My Family (pt 2)
“The Sequel”
Charlie Manson had a family too the Godfather had a family three
I just have one
One’s enough


Rest in peace
Rest in pieces
My emotions lay scattered on the floor
Very Important Person
Feel like a Very Impotent Person
Or at least that’s what I’ve been taught to feel
Well, I’ve joined the “Fuck You!” brigade

The death of my former self
That Former Serf to my impotence
A Phoenix rising from the flames of self-harm

With scars for birth marks

Lies Behind the Lines

I’m silent but inside I’m screaming
You scream but there’s nothing inside
They destroy themselves with unfounded accusations
Repeat the lie, repeat the lie, repeat the lie
Until we all lie down and die

There is no “Truth” only perspectives
Only reasons for believing one thing over another
Still, they persist in insisting we all think the same
And those who think otherwise don’t deserve to exist

I’m screaming because I can’t stand the silence
I lie behind the lines
Wondering who the enemy is

Those who say“nun raper”?

Those who say “Trotsky-Fascist”?

Or just follow “the party line”

Don’t make accusations
You’re hiding behind your own faults
Deal with them first
Before you judge the rest!

Two poems (untitled, ~27.1.2006) about everyone’s favourite supernaturalist abortion of society:

Buzzing around in their stupid vans enforcing
Through a monopoly of violence

2.Reform, reform, reform
They’ve got another “Five Year Plan”
To change how they run the schools again
Or get us back to work
But they never give us the respect we deserve
Now matter how hard we try
I bang my head against the wall
Because I’m not getting by

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

RUSSIAN NAZIS MURDER ANTI-NUKE PROTESTER Protests tomorrow outside Russian embassy. Details:

On a lighter note, Boris Johnson got pushed off his bike..and not to trivialise recent events, but re. the recent floods, haven't people heard of water purifiing tablets or flushing their loos with rain water (or getting a bucket and going to the nearest new river)? Or having localised systems of water and electricity supply and distribution instead of our outdated inefficient approach.

Still, this is a country where people (apparently) think cannabis is more dangerous than ketamine, while unruly children are given synthetic coke, rapists get five years while incompetent boobs (aka "terrsts") get fifty for political reasons.

Remember when you were young and you thought everyone lived to be a hundred ? Apparently, the Culture think the same, except their (initial) lifespan is 3-4 centuries.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

OK, this is (vaguely) funny: Who's e-mail adddress is this: ?
Boba Fett's!

This isn't:
...when you think a) what they were actually protesting about, and, b) the Nazis caricatured Jews in similar ways (hooked noses, greedy, disease ridden Bolshevics)

The cartoons are as much part of legitimate religous criticism as Nazi propaganda or "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are.

BTW, how can criticism of the Isreali government be considered racist when the Danish cartoonists aren't? Double standards, or maybe "anti-anti Semitism" and anti-Semitism are the same thing: both see Jews as a "white tribe", which one side sees as an acceptable minority (because they see it as white) and the other as a foreign infiltration (because they see it as white). Both are just as racist, especially considering all the black and arab Jews in the world!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Legal Smeagol presents The War On Errorism (ooh, plagarism, so very naughty!)

With regards to the last weeks non-events (no one was killed, for which we should all be grateful) I have to point out:

a. how f***ing hilarious the idea is that, assuming that there are 200+people willing to blow themselves up to create a "New Order" because they won't be alive to b***dy particpate in it if they did, and good riddance to bad rubbish anyway!

b.Oooh I'm so terrified of these "cunning" (read: incompetent, assuming the plan actually was to murder dozens or hundreds of people) "terrorists", with the planning and organisational skills of a collective of lobotomised, retarded chimps! I mean, we really are doomed unless "President Broon" completely eliminates our human rights, introduces martial law and removes British citizenship for Muslims. Not.

c.assuming recent events weren't False Flag Ops, what if the "plan" wasn't actually to kill but simply to destroy property and the reason for the London bombings two years ago was to eliminate (these people are not fluffy bunnies etc in case I'm misunderstood) the nuttiest elements of the British cell (and if there's "collateral damge" then that's just too bad