Thursday, July 31, 2008


Silly Season

(part one)

Saturn’s Revenge

Was an album by Goldie

But Saturn has had his revenge

Now Saturn is a spaceship

Says “The Sun”

Mistaken identity

Explanation by UFOlogist ignored

Show film on website

“Ooh, what is it, it’s a mystery”

Its Saturn, you plonker!

Saturn’s Revenge

Shaitan’s revenge





(part two)

Astrological Aberration

Wobbly Film

Parallax view

Parallel lines

Wine and dine

Whine and drone

On, on, on, on

It’s trigonometry, stupid!

Get sent to the spice mines of Kessell

For that one

Fremen no more

Oh, wait, wrong epic!

An un-empowered

And uninformed

Member of Society

Diddly squat

Sweet FA

Is what I know

I only know what the papers tell me

Updates with Friday’s fish and chips

Unintelligent design

Left hand not knowing what

Right hand is up to

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Drugs Don’t Work

Too many kids on drugs


Too many adults on drugs

Because they were told to

Children cannot escape from reality

When they grow up they are often forced to

Remember your prescription, keep taking

The pills

Maturity is realizing how little control you

Have over your life

Choice is choosing to accept it

Escape from reality or make your own

Or die of boredom!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Welfare reforms due to be unveiled - including abolition of the incapacity benefit system - will "transform lives", says minister James Purnell.

Our government is so full of shit and these issues are due to the government's own policies: if you are on the dole (especially if you are vaguely qualified) they don't like you doing voluntary work (which just encourages people to spend all day drinking if they haven't got a job that day),it can be difficult to get free training and education? Forget it!

This will only force people into unsuitable jobs, and more than likely, into prison or enforced hospitalisation.

The division of labour in a post-industrial economy is such that most people can't have a proper, traditional 'job for life'.

This is gonna get pretty bad for people who have
been signing on for a while: they're gonna do you for fraud if you don't tell them you take drugs and you have to sign on everyday after two years. Obviously people need treatment, but as, this includes alcoholics and (presumably regular) cannabis users, what "treatment" that is available may be inappropriate for the user or doesn't deal sufficiently with any underlying problems. Again, it may be inappropriate to force people to deal with these problems, which will both increase their use of drugs and remove the addicts living support. The end result of this will be an increase in the prison population-concentration camps for a specific group (Muslims [15% at present] and junkies)-hell, if I was threatened with these punitive sanctions I doubt I'd have any moral compunction about threatening to murder someone just so I can get the guaraunteed support of prison/ some genuine help.

The medical assessment will only let you off if you have physical, not mental, health problems. They will expect you to do some work no matter how depressed you are or if you have learning difficulties (for these groups, supported employment or voluntary work is most appropriate). This will force people into working for basically the same, or less,money than they were getting before.


Simple solution, but Capital/CBI won't like it (shoot them):
give students and voluntary workers 80 quid a week
while they are active.


"As mentioned above, there is another force at work in the Culture aside from the nature of its human inhabitants and the limitations and opportunities presented by life in space, and that is Artificial Intelligence. This is taken for granted in the Culture stories, and - unlike FTL travel - is not only likely in the future of our own species, but probably inevitable (always assuming homo sapiens avoids destruction). Certainly there are arguments against the possibility of Artificial Intelligence, but they tend to boil down to one of three assertions: one, that there is some vital field or other presently intangible influence exclusive to biological life - perhaps even carbon-based biological life - which may eventually fall within the remit of scientific understanding but which cannot be emulated in any other form (all of which is neither impossible nor likely); two, that self-awareness resides in a supernatural soul - presumably linked to a broad-based occult system involving gods or a god, reincarnation or whatever - and which one assumes can never be understood scientifically (equally improbable, though I do write as an atheist); and, three, that matter cannot become self-aware (or more precisely that it cannot support any informational formulation which might be said to be self-aware or taken together with its material substrate exhibit the signs of self-awareness). ...I leave all the more than nominally self-aware readers to spot the logical problem with that argument.

It is, of course, entirely possible that real AIs will refuse to have anything to do with their human creators (or rather, perhaps, the human creators of their non-human creators), but assuming that they do - and the design of their software may be amenable to optimization in this regard - I would argue that it is quite possible they would agree to help further the aims of their source civilisation (a contention we'll return to shortly). At this point, regardless of whatever alterations humanity might impose on itself through genetic manipulation, humanity would no longer be a one-sentience-type species. The future of our species would affect, be affected by and coexist with the future of the AI life-forms we create."]

The argument the author makes is that the creation of self-aware Artificial Intelligences is both inevitable and, more importantly, consistent with the evolution of biological intelligence, in that inanimate matter is able to be organised in such a way that it would become self-aware. This inevitability is again mentioned to refute arguments against the inevitability of Artificially Intelligent systems by the passage ending with “I leave all the more than nominally self-aware readers to spot the logical problem with that argument”. By this it is meant that a reader who denies “that matter cannot become self-aware” is denying their own self-awareness in disagreeing with the argument because they would themselves have to be self-aware to disagree with the idea of a machine being self-aware.

To prove his argument the author introduces several rhetorical ploys. He does this by first comparing the increased likely hood of Artificial Intelligence, in his view, to the unrealistic probability of faster than light travel. This is meant to shepherd the reader into believing the argument is a reasonable one by admitting that faster than light travel is an unrealistic prospect which he does not attempt to justify.

The author then attacks sceptics of Artificial Intelligence by pre-emptively refuting what he believes to be the three arguments that sceptics would make. The first sceptical argument is that there is some unknown or even unknowable property of biological life which means that intelligence can only have a biological basis. As this cannot be proved or disproved to any satisfaction the argument is not considered a convincing one. The second argument is that self-awareness is basically due to a supernatural artefact like a soul. This is refuted by assuming that belief in a soul or similar entity implies participation in an organised belief system or religion. The final argument is that matter cannot become self-aware, which is refuted as soon as a self-aware entity denies another entity can also become self-aware.

In refuting the counter-arguments, the author makes the assumption that belief in a soul implies membership of a religion. This is a fallacious argument as it would imply that belief in a soul, which may be a perfectly rational reason for one’s self-awareness, can only come from the teachings of a particular religion or cult.

A noticeable fallacy the author makes is his connection with and alteration of the terms “Artificial Intelligence” and “self-awareness”, implying the two terms are interchangeable. This leads the reader to assume that an Artificial Intelligence would be self-aware when this is not explicitly stated. The phrase “creators of their non-human creators”, implying a plausible evolutionary analogue to the creation of a self-aware machine, would seem to require a re-definition of the term “artificial” as well as the term “self-awareness” as the author admits that it is more likely that the self-aware entities he ultimately envisages are in fact the creations of successive generations of Machine Intelligences.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

General Strike Called for 9/11/08
by dharmasyd (Posted by chris rice)

General Strike Called for 9/11/08

More and more people are calling for a General Strike, for a way to withdraw our support from a system which seems heedless to the will of the people. Our governmental representatives treat us as if "We the Rabble" are to be ignored. One group, vote strike, is doing incredible and substantive work in calling for a General Strike on 9/11/08, with smaller strikes and economic boycotts between now and then.

This diary will present the thinking and work of vote strike with links for additional information; it will include excerpts from a cogent article by scholar, journalist Garret Keizer. I also recommend that anyone interested in this subject watch the DVD/Video "A Force More Powerful" which presents a brief history of 6 successful non-violent resistance groups; the DVD can help activists in modeling the action. Links provded below.

I urge you to consider this call to a General Strike, the use of non-violent resistance. It is a time-honored technique, possible beginning with "Lysistrata,
" and effectively used several times in the past one hundred years.

dharmasyd's diary :: ::
They want to set the world on fire
We are in danger
There is time only to work slowly
There is no time not to love.
---Deena Metzger
Perhaps the only effective action left to take now in order to stop the gears and levers of this lemming-like perpetual motion machine of destruction is---to do nothing. That's right, nothing. To go on strike.

Nothing else we have done in the past 8 years has had much or any result in accomplishing our goals-- not millions in the streets before the invasion of Iraq, not letters, phone calls, sit ins, petitions, town hall meetings, not electing a Democratic majoriy in 2006. "We the people" have not been, and are not being, heard.

So long as we continue to participate in this system, to go along in our normal routines within this system, we give our consent to the very system which ignores us and denies our rights as citizens. Continuing to go along only dooms us to repeating it over and over again. It's fine to continue working politically; but, and this is a big but, we must do more.

By continuing to attempt to work with "what has become of" democratic electoral politics only, we will most likely continue to be defeated. Just like the 2006 elections, we anti-in our hopes, only to be disappointed, to find we've been suckered again.

Obviously, we can't go for open revolt. We'll be mowed down so thoroughly and so quickly that it is not an option.

So the only thing I can see to do is to refuse to comply, refuse to go along.
The group vote strike is calling for a massive General Strike to start on September 11, 2008, with smaller strikes earlier and a financial strike (buying only necessities) going on from whatever day you join (now) ongoing to and through September 11.

So many of us are so discouraged from years of activism to seemingly no avail, we need a new direction. In an excellent essay in HARPER'S last fall, Garret Keizer offers some inspiring ideas..
Of all the various depredations of the Bush regime, none has been so thorough as its plundering of hope. Iraq will recover sooner. What was supposed to have been the crux of our foreign policy-a shock-and-awe tutorial on the utter futility of any opposition to the whims of American power-has achieved its greatest and perhaps its only lasting success in the American soul.

You will want to cite the exceptions, the lunch-hour protests against the war, the dinner party ejaculation of dissent, though you might also want to ask what substantive difference they bear to grousing about the weather or even to raging against the dying of the light -- that is, to any ritualized complaint against forces universally acknowledged as unalterable. Bush is no longer the name of a president so much as the abbreviation of a proverb, something between Murphy's Law and tomorrow's fatal inducement to drink and be merry today.

If someone were to suggest, for example, that we begin a general strike ... for the sole purpose of removing this regime from power, how readily and with what well-practiced assurance would you find yourself producing the words "It won't do any good"? Plausible and even courageous in the mouth of a patient who knows he's going to die, the sentiment fits equally well in the heart of a citizen-ry that believes it is already dead.

But we are not dead, and no matter how thoroughly we have been brainwashed into hopelessness by "their" immense, regressive, encompassing power, we're still here and still trying. We must stand against, refusing to accept, such malevolent, immoral power. The horrors are too great, the powers too entrenched and recalcitrant. We simply must say "No" and say "No" now.

Keizer continues later in his article:

The stream of commuters heading into the city, the caravan of tractor-trailers pulling out of the rest stop into the dawn's early light, speak a deep-throated Yes to the sum total of what's going on in our collective life. The poet Richard Wilbur writes of the "ripped mouse" that "cries Concordance" in the talons of the owl; we too cry our daily assent in the grip of the prevailing order- except in those notable instances when, like a donkey or a Buddha, we refuse to budge.

The question we need to ask ourselves at this moment is what further provocations we require to justify digging in our heels. To put the question more pointedly: Are we willing to wait until the next presidential election, or for some interim congressional conversion experience, knowing that if we do wait, hundreds of our sons and daughters will be needlessly destroyed? Another poet, César Vallejo, framed the question like this:

A man shivers with cold, coughs, spits up blood.

Will it ever be fitting to allude to my inner soul? . . .
A cripple sleeps with one foot on his shoulder.

Shall I later on talk about Picasso, of all people?
A young man goes to Walter Reed without a face. Shall I make an appointment with my barber? A female prisoner is sodomized at Abu Ghraib. Shall I send a check to the Clinton campaign?
Keizer draws a horrifying picture of any continuing superficial participation or complicity in this, shall I say, charade!

Vote Strike is organizing and calling for the strike on 9/11...

"Sooner or later all freedom loving Americans will realize that the only way to stop those who would bleed our nation dry, dismantle our constitution, and dissolve our national sovereignty is to say I will not work for you, buy from you, fight for you, or die for you,
until the criminals are gone from the halls of our government."
Vote Strike recommends doing the following things:
In order to get involved, here are the five best steps to take now:

Sign up with your email address at the URL in order to get updates,;

Mark the day on your calendar and plan to be at a protest in your community;

Send this URL to all your friends, post it to forums, put it on your personal pages, There will be zero mainstream media discussion of this General Strike before it happens. So, we must be our own media and promote it. Link to this site from sites and blogs. Mention it with links in your comments on blogs;

Join the Consumer Fast already underway. Click Shut'EmDown at the URL

Take the lead and help organize a protest on 9/11
Backround: Ghandi spoke of the need for a journal/newspaper to get the word out. And in researching for this site, I have learned that all of the quotes we learned in civics class of the founding fathers 'give me freedom or give me death' etc., came from books writen by the founding fathers. I believe that they wrote/blogged so much to inflame the passions of the people. That the general pop was apathetic & complacent. They got up, went to work, paid their taxes, had British soldiers all around & never knew anything different.

So I've started dropping articles at daily. The article that came out today blew up the site, & we got more people signing up today for a single day than any other day....Ghandi was right.

My request to you is: blow these articles up. Digg, Stumbleupon, Reddit, etc. I only have time to publish at so I need you to post them at BuzzFlash,, (your favorite site) etc. This is easy, free & only takes a minute. (Article titles, links & descriptions appear at vote strike link listed above.)

We only have a couple more months until Sept. 11th & this is one of the best ways to spread the word about the strike. Some of these articles are only one page long & would make great flyers, posters, emails, faxes, etc.

I will conclude with Garret Keizer again. His article, ."Specific Suggestion: General Strike", appeared in Harper's "Notebook", October 2007, pg.9.

I wrote this appeal during the days leading up to the Fourth of July. I wrote it because for the past six and a half years I have heard the people I love best-family members, friends, former students and parishioners-saying, "I'm sick over what's happening to our country, but I just don't know what to do." Might I be pardoned if, fearing civil disorder less than I fear civil despair, I said, "Well, we could do this." It has been done before and we could do this. And I do believe we could. If anyone has a better idea, I'm keen to hear it. Only don't tell me what some presidential hopeful ought to do someday. Tell me what the people who have nearly lost their hope can do right now.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Is not yours or mine

Society is both humanity’s creation and

Is yet outside it

Society is when beings work together

If I were to say what humanity is,

You are bound to contradict me

You will say what humanity is or isn’t

What is expected of humanity

And what is best for humanity

(may not be best for me)


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Save us from this lunacy!

Did you see that prog about WTC 7 (the one that sort of fell down without actually being hit, ostensibly due to fire)? Anyhoo, as much as the conspiracy theories defy logic-certainly if the NY Police and Fire Service were involved as well as the Feds then surely SOMEONE would have leaked it, right?-the anti-conspiracy arguments make even less sense: we are expected to believe that a spontaneously planned demolition of the Twin Towers isn't possible, except at the same time we are expected to believe that it in fact IS because 17 fuckers flew
a passenger jet into each one and did the job perfectly! How stoooopid do they think we are??????????

I think I should start a new conspiracy theory: The "It didn't happen at all" one, all those people who died, they're just pretending, reporters, fire services, police, well they're just fuckin lying about it, aren't they?

Sunday, July 06, 2008

I'm wondering, how retarded are the British Police?
You don't stab two people 243 times because you've just
robbed them, there's something else going on here.

Dr David Kelly as well...

Friday, July 04, 2008

Just how low can the BNP go?

(and considering what they regard as terrorism/extremism,
anyone of us could be next)


on the 6th of this month Nick Griffin and the BNP will
use the tragic result of a local land dispute to further
their national campaign of hate against the ethnic and
religious minorities of this country, the vast majority
of whom are peaceful and law-abiding.

There is no evidence that Habib Khan was involved
in any way with violence and racist extremism and it
is deeply illegitimate of the BNP to assume that the
manslaughter of Ashley Barker was in any way
politically or racially motivated.

We only hope that Nick Griffin and his cronies
will not receive any publicity from the deeply
inappropriate campaign against British Asians
during the day of Ashley Barker’s funeral and
that they can be consigned, with their hatred, to
the dustbin of British politics!