Saturday, February 25, 2012

After my recent brush with 'The Law' I thought I'd better post this
(originally from my facebook)

A pig is not a human being, of course all (vaguely) sentient beings deserve some rights and the average copper certainly falls into the "barely sentient" category!

Even the epithet "pig" is insulting, however: I'd sooner trust a four-legged mammal with a dangerous weapon than a the common two-legged uniformed variety!

Is this attacking specific groups? Spanish pigs OK British pigs not?NO! They are all the same they just happen to wear similar uniforms! Police brutality, police shootings,police cover-ups, frame-ups and collaborations
are universal and that's not even mentioning the endemic racism: less than 1% of British coppers are actually Black, the smear campaigns against 'Sir' Ian Blair's Asian deputy, and then there's the unquestioning lackey nature of the media: do people really believe in that liquid bomb plot when such a device would be too unstable to use effectively. I suppose a binary-or-trinary device could be possible,but there was no mention of this nor was there any evidence an ACTUAL bomb had been produced, only a few childish 'suicide' videos. Circumstantial evidence, used by the media and police to increase our childish dependency on state violence.

This is because the police are the real terrorists, they cannot admit the impossibility of a state monopoly on violence so they over-react completely when this is challenged, with tragic consequences.

But violence can successfully be challenged by non-violent Ghandian means, non-violent direct action and conflict avoidance training can be taught in schools, colleges and community centres. Most crime is drug-related, money that is wasted on the police (akin to locking the door after the horse has bolted) could be spent on decent drug-and-mental health treatment for addicts, not least, and this is cheaper than imprisoning troubled individuals in areas where drugs and violence are rife in prisons or ghettos, by providing heroin and other hard drugs freely, but rationed, to addicts in safe houses or clinics.

Guns: Democratic control of the means of production and distribution is the only way to make selling, producing, distributing and otherwise supplying deadly weapons to people, who may not always be in a rational position to responsibly use them, unprofitable.

With the above two, no guns and no reason to use them as the drug dealers would be put out of business..the real reason that this doesn't happen is that the state has absolutely no interest in creating a just and peaceful society.

Another thing: why can't some drugs be legal: asprin kills more people than ecstacy, not to mention the casualties of alcohol, and if the government really wanted to save lives they'd ban people from driving!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Some things about me that you may not know....

Fave books based on being read by myself at least five times: Lord of the Rings and Watchmen. Read 'Consider Phlebas' several times as well.

Would also include 'Statism and Anarchy', purely as on reading it feels like it was written in one sitting.

Fave cover version perhaps the Therapy? version of 'Diane'.

Fave/Best two novels I've read last year (probably can think of more, but): Revenge of the Sith novelisation and Dhalgren

Top five science-fictional universes (in no particular order)
Babylon5Crusade galaxy
Star Wars galaxy
Culture galaxy

All time favourite conspiracy theory, being: The Illuminati, being made up by William
Godwin, according to Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Love it!!

I strangely admire: Alfred the Great for being self-educated, William the Martyr for being so hard he killed the King of Denmark and England twenty years after his own murder at age 13, and the Prussian Navy for scuttling the German fleet at the end of the Great War.

Fave paranormal head of state: William the Martyr (or his ghost anyway)

Fave Star Wars characters: Vegere and Boba Fett

Fave vaguely obscure superhero: The Spirit (he lives in his own tomb, how wierd/cool is that?)

Top five fave SF villains:
1.Alfred Bester
(Psi Cop; Babylon 5)
2.Gul Dukat
(Gul, later Dictator of, Cardassian Union; Star Trek Deep Space Nine)
3.Darth Sidious
(aka Senator, later Supreme Chancellor, later Emperor, Palpatine; Star Wars 1-6)
4.Melanie Phillips
(a recurring character in the British science fiction daily "Daily Mail")
5.Benjamin Sisko
(for ecocide while having the rank of Captain in Starfleet and being in command of the starship 'Defiant')

Also worth a mention:
The Idirans (Consider Phlebas)
Old school Kligons (Star Trek)
and Captain Janeway (Star Trek: Voyager) for ordering the execution of the composite entity 'Tuvix'

Fave fictional anti-heroes (no order)
Travis Bickle
Boba Fett

Fave Jedi: Shaak Ti (for being able to die three times!)

Three television shows more scientifically realsitic than 'Star Trek':
Babylon 5
(geek note: the 'Omega'-class destroyers should have two rotating sections to maintain neutral angular momentum)
(the Universe would move relative to the 'Planet Express' starship if it could cancel/selectively negate gravity)
Doctor Who
(it is possible to build a time machine, but you can't send anyone back to the time before it was built)

Science fiction anti-villains (no order)
Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker
(Star Wars, specifically ep 6)
William Adama
Laura Roslin
Tom Zarek
Gaius Baltar
(Battleship Delusions)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I write on behalf of myself and all others in this country and around the world who suffer harrasment for their political beliefs.

My story started Thursday week before last on recieving a note from Staffordshire Police, specifically 'Community Resilience Team North'.

I had no idea what the note was about, I have not commited any crimes nor have I considered or planned to commit any crimes or incited others to do so. After several attempts to get through to the officer named on the card I eventually got through last Saturday.

Still not knowing what this was all about, on arrival in my property on Monday morning two officers asked me what I and my associates had been up to recently. I am a part of the wider and local anarchist movement and the officers seemed strangely concerned that this would somehow scare or 'terrorise' the wider community. Basically I had a visit from the police because of my political beliefs.

My political beliefs are non-violent, non-coercive and frankly none of the police or anyone else's business, but the visit left me quite nervous and frustrated that I had to explain what anarchism is to the police: there are such things as books and websites and the dictionary gives a pretty good description of what anarchists believe,being voluntary order as opposed to anarchy being described as chaos and disorder.

I may not agree with the majority of the population on a variety of issues but this does not mean that people should allow fear and ignoranceto rule their lives, neither does this give the media and the state the right to perpetuate fear and ignorance. Frankly, the governent and the police are the real terrorists by allowing a climate of fear of the unknown and of minorities to dominate the political discourse.

There is little difference in reality between democratic and non-democratic systems, all perpetuate themeselves so long as a majority ofthe people feel safe and secure, it is always minorities who are targeted: the government can oppress some of the people some of the time but it cannot oppress all the people all of the time.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012


Where are you now?
Are you behind where I left you/you left me
What is the creative urge of/my

The decay
Sugar halts the decay/or heals
A holiday in Cambodia
Jello Biafra [somehow I'm no longer sorry even though I remember]
Du Pig
Du Bitch
Du Victim

In Bob we Trust
Remember everything is a lie
Said the gnostic silver god-ellipsoid

Am I abducting you-are you abducting me?

Memory loss (of memory) time hurts heals really flies
But the universe is an engine that stays put

Grant Morrison wears a mask that keeps his
face informed about what the world will not see

I don't remember if you suffer from memory loss
Distance-time-memory are just
from relative perspectives

Does the universe not exist if no-one is observing it?
Can we examine ourselves?
Open up
I want to feel you from the inside

Close my eyes I can't see you
Let's listen to his thoughts
while he is sleeping
What is it like to have a designer vagina?

(Nov 2011)